Playing with minds

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At school, Jason greeted me with a warm smile.

'Hey, You slept peacefully, right?,' he asked.

I nodded. Then i noticed his bare neck.

'You ain't wearing the rosary,' i said annoyingly.

'C'mon. I'm at school,now. They are not haunting the school right?,' he said.'Anyway, you have banned me from your house.'

I stared at him open-mouthed.'I haven't banned you.'

He rolled his eyed.'I wonder if ghosts really exist.'

I had trusted Jason. Now, he was standing in front of me--thinking that whatever i was speaking was rubbish---utter nonsense! I was almost in tears.

'You saw them right?,' i said.

'You are losing your mind,' he said.

I trembled.

'Why the hell are you being so rude with me?,' i asked in a tiny voice.

'I think your mad!,' he yelled.

'Please, don't shout.'

'I'll shout. You care more about your ghosts. You never think about me,' he shouted.

'Jason. your talking nonsense,' i said irritatingly.

'Enough! SHUT UP!,' he yelled pointing his index finger at me.

I bit my lower lip. I studied his face. It showed anger, no love!

'Listen, i have been thinking about this the entire night. Enough of it! I need a break,' he said. 

I stared at him in horror.

'I made a mistake. I don't feel anything for you. You are a--- a nerd!,' he teased.

Tears started rolling down my cheeks. This is not my Jason. No! I still couldn't believe his words. I was waiting to get up from this bad dream. But every part of my body told me that this is the reality.

I gave him a hug. He pushed me away.

For the first time, i was scared of him.

'Jason--,' i started.

'I don't wanna listen,' he said. 'I want to end this relationship.'

He stomped away.

I imagined a sharp knife cutting through my head. Everything was over. I cred for Jason. I loved him-- i still love him! Why did he do this? I wailed.

After school, Jason didn't walk me home. I slipped into depression. I was full of remorse.

Mother was worried to see me in tears.She kept on bombarding me with questions but i didn't reply. I wasn't even listening to her. I locked myself in my room and asked mother to leave me alone for sometime.

I had planned his  birthday party-----trusted him so much.

Suddenly, i became angry. My anger boiled over.I felt like my head exploded. I started pounding the dresser. Pounding it.Punching it.-as if it was Jason.

My hands ached and i fell into bed-burying my face into the pillow.

My phone beeped. Justin's 'What do you mean' started playing. I reached for my phone when it started ringing for the second time.

It was Jason! I switched off my phone.

After few minutes, mother called me.

'Jason has come to meet you,' she said.

I was surprised. I thought he had come to apologize for his behaviour. I wiped away the tears and unlocked the door.

'Hey Kat,' he said with a grin.

'H-Hey,' i whispered.

'I had left my watch at your house. So, i came to collect it.'

He wasn't disturbed. He seemed to be in a good mood. Was Jason playing a trick on me? He broke up with me, right?

'You look worried. Are you fine?,' he asked.'Did the ghosts come again? Why didn't you pick up your phone?'

I was too shocked to utter a word.

'Kat,' he said shaking me.

'Jason, what's all this,now?,' i asked.'Why are you playing with me?You broke up with me.'

'Broke up? When and why?,' he asked surprisingly.

'At school,' i whispered wondering if he had short term memory loss.

Then i noticed the rosary around his neck. I stared at him blankly.

'Jason, do you believe in ghosts?'

'Of course. I saw them yesterday with my own eyes,' he said in confusion.

My head was spinning.

'You are scaring me, Kat. I love you. How can i break up with you? Never!,' he said with a sad expression.

Panic swept over me. Was i imagining things? Jason was shaking me.

'KAT! Are you alright?'

'Ya,' i whispered.

I explained him what had happened at school.

'No. I never told you any of those harsh words,' he said.

'I don't understand,' i said.

'Kat, you need rest,' he said.' I will be staying with Bella tonight.'

'Bella?,' i screamed.

'Bella?,' he asked.

'Ya, why are you going to stay with her?,' i asked.

'I said i'm gonna stay with Charlie and not Bella,' he said surprisingly.

'Oh, i thought you said Bella,' i said.

Jason took me into his arms. I stared into his light blue eyes.

'Do you want me to stay with you tonight?,' he asked as if he was speaking to a baby.

'No. I will be fine,' i said.

We kissed. Jason is still mine. I still felt that i had heard him mention Bella's name.No,No. I heard i wrong.

It started to snow, large wet flakes were slapping the window.

I was lying on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. A thousand horrifying thoughts raced through my mind. The grandfather clock read 2:00 a.m.

Jason had mentioned the break up and his staying with Bella. How can i be wrong? 

Was Jason lying?

But why would he lie? Maybe, my mind was playing dirty tricks on me.

I believe Jason. These questions kept on repeating and repeating until i felt my brain will explode.

I lay trembling under the covers, thinking, thinking. Will the Curtis hurt me again? The thought sent a shiver down my spine. I tried hard to catch some sleep but couldn't.

The curtain danced in the wind. The snow clouds had drifted away and a half moon appeared-- low in the sky. The moonlight washed in through my window, casting long shifting shadows over my room.

I shuddered under my quilt. I ran my fingers around my neck.

No rosary!

I jumped as i felt icy fingers wrap around my neck!


xoxoxoxo Love you all for reading my novel.

Is Jason lying or is it someone playing with Katherine's mind?

Find out if Katherine will be strong enough to face the Curtis!

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