Nick Is A Nuisance

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'Grandpa,' i called out. I jumped when the door bell rang. I opened the door and saw Grandpa grinning at me. Tom threw himself on me and started licking my face.

'Stop, Tom. Yeeeew,' i said laughing. 'I thought i heard you call me Grandpa before few seconds.'

'But i came home just now,' he said brushing snow off his coat.

How can this happen? I have no doubt that i heard him call me. My ears are too sharp!

Nick came home along with mom. 'What a game! I enjoyed.'

'What did you play, my dear bro?,' i asked lying down on the sofa.

'X-Men Ultron. You must try it ,' he said.

I rolled my eyes.

'Jason's brother is cool,' he said.

'Jason's brother?,' i asked.

'Yeah, Jimmy,' he said switching on the Tv.

'You were at Jason's house?,' i asked.

'Yeah, any problem?,' he asked lifting his eyebrows.


'His mom makes awesome cupcakes......,' he went on.

I skipped dinner and went early to bed. I fell asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow. I dreamt of Anita and me in our music class. Anita was playing the piano. The audience was enjoying it with a beautiful smile on their faces. Suddenly, she Started playing it hard. The music was loud and irritable. The smile on the audience's faces vanished. Anita's eyes were burning red and she was slithering like a snake. She lifted up the piano and flung it towards me.

I gulped in air. My face was covered in beads of sweat. I jumped when the scary music started playing. I moved away the bedsheets and put on my slippers. i was sure that it wasn't a nightmare. Someone was really playing the music. This time I'm going to find out where the music is coming from and who's playing it. 

I stood facing the library door. The music was so loud that i didn't hear the clock going off at 12:00 but not so loud to wake my family upstairs. I turned the knob and the door did not open. I rolled my eyes in disgust. I pushed against it hardly but it did not budge. I was frustrated.

'Aaagh,' i uttered a cry and kicked the door. The music stopped.

Someone grabbed me from back and i fell down with a thump.A blood curdling scream escaped my mouth. I fell on my torch and it was broken. I couldn't see the one strangling me. The stranger pressed his/her hand against my mouth. I kicked him/her.

'Ouch, Kat, you will wake everyone,' cried the strnger. But his voice was familiar. He released me.

'Nick, you idiot! You scared me to death,' i yelled trying to sit up.

The lights were switched on. I saw mom staring at us, shocked.

'Mom, Nick scared me. He---,' i began.

'Mom, i will explain,' interrupted Nick.

'Mom, listen to me,' i said.

'Shut up. Kat, what's going on?,' asked mom worried.

'Mom, Nick has been scaring me from last two nights. He plays the scary music and disturbs my sleep. He is nuts! Tonight, he strangled me,' i blurted out.

'What rubbish! She's lying. I didn't play any music. I got up for washroom and i thought someone broke into our house. I didn't know it was Katherine,' he said.

'Mom, I am telling you. He's been scaring me from last two nights,' i yelled.

'Liar. I don't have any music player,' he said raising his voice.

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