KOTLC and Hunger Games

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Hey guys! I guess this time I got back to posting again in a more timely manner. Someone in the comments asked me if I could post another chapter soon, so here I am!  

I've thought about this for some time, and there are several commonalities between KOTLC and the Hunger Games. This post was mostly written(but not posted) several months ago, but I am posting the finished version of it now

Spoiler alert if you have not read the Hunger Games series.

So, here are some things:

Katniss- Sophie

- Main character

- Blonde hair

- Both are big parts of a rebel group

- Both have been hated by the government

- both are represented by a bird(representing a movement or project of a rebel group)

- Annoyed with their biological mother

- having a younger sister


- Blonde hair

- blue eyes

- Emotional

- very popular

- very selfless

- exceptional artistic abilities

- good with words


- Dark hair

- Anger problems

- shares the same skill as katniss/sophie(hunting or telepathy)

- works together with katniss/sophie a lot

- part of the rebellion

Love triangle

Keefe-Sophie-Fitz  and Peeta-Katniss-Gale

sophie/katniss- oblivious to the feelings of others towards her and her own feelings towards others(though sophie is only oblivious of her feelings towards Keefe, she has made her little crush on fitz annoyingly clear). Of course this changes as the series progresses

Katniss x Gale(fitzphie): the inital, more obvious ship(not as "obvious" as fitzphie though)

Katniss x peeta(sokeefe): the ultimate true ship(FINALLY LOOKING CANON YESS)

Keefe/Peeta- always aware of their strong love for Sophie/Katniss, and willing to do anything to protect them

Katnissxgale(fitzphie): affections are shown and romantic intrerest is made obvious to one another despite this ship not being the ultimate canon relationship

fitz/gale- seems to eventually somewhat give up and realize that sophie/katniss truly loves keefe/peeta. While this is not necessarily true for fitz, I do think that around unlocked, Fitz deep down knew that Sophie loved Keefe.

Sophie and Fitz have a similar age difference to Katniss and Gale, and Keefe/Peeta are both younger than their respective Fitz/Gale. 

Other things:

- A rebel group that is good, and a rebel group that is morally dubious. Both are encompassed in the same district 13 in the hunger games, while they are separate groups in KOTLC

- Both sophie and katniss enter for some time, a world of grandeur to which they have never been exposed to

- Both sophie and katniss face struggles regarding how the world will view their relationships for specific reasons


It's pretty cool that there does seem to be a lot of similarities between KOTLC and the hunger games, at least in terms of Sophie, Keefe and Fitz, and while perhaps there are even more, that's all I've got for today folks.

What do you think? Be sure to let me know in the comments below!

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