Some exciting stuff

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So you see, till now, my sister had not read Keeper of the lost cities. I didn't start bugging her about it until recently, but recently, she has not had access to the book. Finally, she is reading it and I am very happy about it. Some of my middle school friends who now go to my highschool read it and introduced it to me, but I don't really talk to them about it. However, I am currently in the process of trying to raise an army of Keeper fans. I am recruiting my sister's friends who I talk with at times and some of my closer friends * taps fingers in front of face in a scheming expression*.

You might be thinking" Woah Woah Woah, back the t-rex up. I thought You were going to do the voted upon topic as your next post." So, my sister is halfway through the first book. I am planning to make posts on her opinions and stuff at various points in the series. I was planning to write my first one when she finished the first book, but I started talking about her opinions and they are priceless. I didn't want t deprive you all of it, so you have till 11:59 pm April 20th to vote on the topic if you haven't already.. Next time though, I'm recording an audio and posting it here because that's 5 times better.

So here it is . Note that I am talking in first person(my sister), and though many are not word for word, several are. Questions may not be in the order of what really happened. When it really is me talking, I will write so. And, start.

Author's notes look like this. They may b me right now. And probably are also my thoughts then. Presenting, the discussion with my sister Jiya:

Me: So, what are your opinions on the characters?

Jiya: name some and I will answer.

Me: Fitz

Jiya: Many people seem to have observed Sophie's crush on Fitz, but I have a feeling he does not like her back. In general, he's a good boy. As dex accurately said: "wonderboy".

me: Biana

Jiya: You know, at first I thought she was a brat, but when she told Sophie that other girls use her to get to Fitz, I was like "that makes sense". I understand. I really don't blame her because that could be annoying and now she isn't all that nice to some people because she has been manipulated so much. I'm sure she must have been really nice earlier, but after being manipulated so much, I can understand. But I have a feeling that....... Never mind it's probably not true.


Me: That she's pretending to be her friend or something?

Jiya: Yeah

Mentally playing dramatic music because at the time it was true in the book because Alden told her to be her friend.

Me: Ok. Dex

Jiya: Oooh. Dex is a nice person. I can tell he has a crush on Sophie, and he's really nice. Like, Fitz does not hang out a lot with her, but he does.

The observation though.

Me: Jensi

Jiya: Oh, Jensi is actually kind of like dex. He is nice too. He's like the boys that I am friends with. Nice, but they hang out with some other crazy boys. But that's still fine and we can still be friends. 

Me: Dex didn't really have many other friends though...

Jiya: yeah. I have a feeling that Jensi won't be a very big character in the series though. Also, I have a feeling he might have a bit of a crush on Sophie or one of her friends.

Me: Keefe. 

Jiya: have a lot to say about him. He seems like a prankster and kind of naughty boy. But playful. Like, he causes trouble, but he seems pretty popular, perhaps more than Fitz. Though his teasing might be a lot, people like him. Also, I think that he would be the first person(who hadn't already been told) to figure out that she was a telepath. Like when they were playing base quest, Fitz was like oh my god, you're so loud, so she could hear us, and Keefe was like, uh ha. He does call Sophie mysterious a lot though. He's not the person who people think is perfect, but not like Dex who is scorned because of his parents.

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