Why is everyone so pessimistic about the KOTLC movie

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When I heard there was going to be a KOTLC movie, I was overjoyed! I thought that this is what we have been waiting for! I've spread a petition for a kotlc movie out on Wattpad before and the petition had many signatures. Disney's gonna do the movie and she said ben affleck had a really good understanding of the series. However, I soon found that not everybody was as excited as me.

People seem now to be........ disappointed with this news and the movie despite the fact that they currently dont know much about it. People seem to be expecting poor actor choice, poor acting, poor directing, poor time and division of the books, poor prop design, and seem to have assumed the movie will be bad. Why? I thought people wanted a movie. I can understand a slight worry and "what if", but it really is fine. I know books are always better than the movies, but that doesnt mean we are not happy there are movies! I have heard several people are worried after the original percy jackson movies(from what I've heard they messed up bad), but we must remember that not all movies are like that. 

To ease everyone's minds and help reason that as Alden would say "there is no reason to worry", I will try to give some reasons why the movie will be good.

I do believe that the best thing that can be done is to involve the author in the making of teh movie, but alas, I would like to get book 9 fast so, its fine.

here it is:

- Shannon said she was hesitant to allow just anyone to make the movie, but Ben Affleck had a really good understanding of the series, so she was happy to let him make the movie. This is good since a great director with a great idea of the series is always great and a necessary asset in making a good and accurate movie

- Film makers would probably have learned something from the Percy Jackson movies, after all, they flopped and even rick riordan didnt want to watch it. After such a problem, even other film making companies would surely have taken a moment to learn from the mistakes. By the way, a new Percy Jackson series is being made by guess who? Disney plus! And they've had the right mind to involve Rick Riordan in the writing of the series. 

- By some british website that was evaluating book to movie adaptations, Disney+ is the best source of the best book-to-film adaptations of children's stories. While this is just disney(noice for percy jackson fans though) it shows something for disney in general. And disney is big and good at making movies after all

- The final reason: just hope for the best:)

I for one am HYPEHYPEHYPE for the movie:)

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