The possibly groundbreaking observation theories

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we're coming back to it. The picture that had a line that had us all concerned( unless once again, I am stupid and nobody has told me). If you didn't see my other post, look above. So let's get started.

"the powers buried deep inside her could save---or destroy---them all"

Before we look at whether or not it is foresight, let's consider the other options.

The first alternative is a mistake. Perhaps this was the logo/catchphrase/promoting line or something earlier but they forget to change/remove it from the new graphic(s). I find this rather unlikely as only the first couple of books have this consideration. Even in those, it is only for a smaller amount of time that it is considered.  So it has no reason to be in the graphic. If it were a mistake, it would be too great of one for them to make for so long. However, if this were somehow targeted towards people new to the series it might work. Still though...

The second alternative is that that is relevant to legacy specifically since the background is of the legacy cover. I cross-checked the legacy book description(which I will be looking at in another post because it seemed kind of confusing), and it was not there.  The only thing I can think of is that they are referring to is her infliction. There is a limit to how melodramatic someone or something can be, and if this line is referring to her infliction, I don't know if the "And all of your favourite characters will find themselves tested in ways they never imagined" for Unlocked foreshadows Foxfire testing. Sophie's inflicting issue was only a consideration for like 10 or 11 chapters. The new inflicting style was not even used by Bronte. They would never say this of Bronte.

I must now come to the conclusion that somethings up for the books coming up.

The next considered possibility would be the her powers would be to overwhelming. How would this be? Well, as I have stated in the ability anaylsis chapter, there are certain abilitis that are to a degree consuming. Inflicting is one of them. It can take effort to contain emotions like anger. Hydrokinetic ms certainly is one of them. Without being properly equipped mentally, physically, and metor wise, they can cause problems. They could cause bigger problems if not equipped to have more than one of much an ability. Several abilities of such a consuming nature can cause disasters for a while even with a strong person. Some may think this was what they were reffering to, but I don't think that is so. The black swan prepared for years and executed project moonlark carefully. They aren't stupid. Note the following conversation from the bookLodestar. Conversation with gethen:

"I'm sure you are. But if you haven't figured it out already, I don't imagine you will. And even if you did, you'd need an ability you don't have to make it work. Seems shortsighted of you," he told Mr. Forkle. "If you gave her extra powers, why not give her one of everything?"

"More isn't always better," Mr. Forkle told him. "Sometimes it's simply more. But I wouldn't expect you to understand."

They aren't crazy.

The final and in my opinion, the more likley of the two is the one I personally back up. It is the theory that they are reffering to what side she is on. Created by them too, she is a member of the black swan. However, we also know that the neverseen are trying to recruit her. It may seem like an impossible task, but they are trying. We notice that an important observation is the light and darkness inside of her. Tam has stated that she has a whole lot of shadowvapor, but also a lot of illumination. Terik said her potential was divided. Terik indicate that the had a lot of potential for bad(though not as much as keefe). Forkle has spoke about giving sophie "a choice" by  giving her to much information(I don't understand either). A lot of thinking has made me wonder if the neverseen are truly evil, but we do know they are very destructive, so the side she chooses is in my opinion the meaning of this line. This would work perfectly for the actual thing. It applies to all books as even in the first books there was the debate of siding with who was truly " good or evil". In Legacy keefe was forced to "face" his legacy and will have his mom try to make him join the neverseen.

In conclusion, I am content with my final theory. It makes sense in every way and does not kill me on the inside.

What do you think about the final good and evil debate?

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