Chapter 2 - Part 2 - Don't ignore fateful encounters under the lightning

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Just as Kuolema seated himself into a leather recliner, a dark-haired female came barging into the room holding a tray with a dark liquid-filled bottle and glasses. She took one look at him and cursed, her expression changing from a courteous smile to a snarl in just one moment. The tray was put on the table in front of him before she rounded on him.

"Just what the hell were you doing with that get-up?" she asked, tilting her head.

Kuolema hummed idly. "Just what the directions said."

"Dammit!" The female sighed. "I knew I should've handled the request myself. Lenny is completely useless."

Kuolema observed with interest as the female opened a bottle that had arrived on the tray, pulling the cork out with a screwdriver without much fuss, and poured three glasses.

"Jeez," the female continued. "Don't go around scaring humans like that. They thought you were a Caporegime or something."

Kuolema didn't know what this Caporegime was and honestly, he didn't care one bit. "I came here for a reason," he simply informed her.

She pushed one glass into his hand. Her frame was considerably smaller than his own, but she looked like a capable reaper.

"I can guess. You're either in need of a portal or help." She narrowed her gray eyes. "Though, I would be happier if you went for help somewhere else. We don't have the manpower here."

"I came here for the food."

The female's eyes widened considerably, mouth snapping open as disbelief and surprise played over her face.

"Food?" she asked slowly as if it pained her to say that one word.

"Food," Kuolema confirmed.

Eyebrows furrowing, she threw him a dark glare. "What the hell. I know we're a restaurant but we don't feed everyone and anyone. Why the fuck haven't you went to stock where you're stationed?" She grasped one of the two glasses left and knocked back all that was in before snatching the bottle to pour another one.

It seemed he hadn't been recognized which was both a pleasing and frustrating thing at the same time. He was the Master Death for crying out loud. Granted, though, he hadn't recognized the female reaper either but still - he was a fucking leader of this sorry bunch of idiots, they should at least know who he was.

Taking off the glasses, Kuolema smirked as the female froze at the sight of his lack of eyes. Her eyebrows rose up to the hairline while she gaped like a fish out of water. The glass filled much more as she continued pouring a drink long past the line she'd first poured, filling it almost to the brim. Then she abruptly stopped, muttering "I'll be damned," and brought the brimming glass up to guzzle the whole thing down.

"Master Kuolema," she said tonelessly. Her face smoothened to a neutral expression, one that was fake as the jewels she wore around her neck. "I wasn't aware you were in the neighborhood. We would've prepared a feast."

"No need for formalities," Kuolema replied, still grinning. "Refreshments are enough."

"I will have something prepared as fast as possible, Master," she affirmed and brought out that sleek gadget everyone seemed to have and tapped over and over again the screen for half a minute or so. Kuolema allowed her to do so as he examined the place with his senses.

"There should be another reaper here."

"Yes, indeed," she replied, then bowed. "I'm Saru. Talon is my partner. He's currently doing a paperwork investigation. We have a few more on the team, but they're not currently in the city. We don't have human liaisons, and those that help with this establishment don't know about us."

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