5 - Decipher

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"What are you hiding?"


When Seokjin woke up, the dorm was silent as he stepped into the living room. He rubbed his eyes as if doing that would make his sleepiness any less. The blonde stretched his body, raising his hands above his head and then touching his toes with the opposite arm.

His body was stretched enough but a bubbling feeling of anxiousness was rising in his throat making the empty feeling in his stomach, due to hunger, even more intense.

"Argh this stupid anxiety again," Seokjin muttered to himself. "Just can't leave my pretty ass alone, can you?". The man scoffed and grinned to himself at his own joke.

But he always had a reason for his anxiety. And when there wasn't any, he would simply just let it stay there until he'd distract himself from it.

Was there any reason right now?

We're on break..and we had that meeting discussing the details of our break and then we came home and- oh..OH

As Seokjin was making his coffee, robotic movements result from a daily routine, thinking and just randomly thinking he remembered late last night. He remembered being slightly worried at the late arrival of the maknaes and to add to that, they didn't look alright.

But then they did say they were tipsy so that could've caused the gloomy, worn out look on their faces. Seokjin assured himself.

But, he knew better. He knew how they acted when they were drunk, tipsy or simply high on adrenaline or sugar. And it wasn't what he saw last night.

Or I could be overthinking?

He could just be overthinking or be absolutely right over his instincts but he wouldn't know unless he actually talked to the maknaes. And as he settled with that resolve in his head, he spotted a piece of yellow paper stuck to the refrigerator.

Seokjin pulled the paper and read. It was definitely Jungkook's handwriting.

"Good morning hyungs! We woke up early to get the car back because that's just how responsible we are :)

Anywho~ we'll be back soon!"

The older one just scoffed at the words 'Responsible'. Sure they were. In his dreams.

He folded the paper and shoved it in his pajama pocket and continued to make his coffee.

As time passed by, the rest of the members had woken up. When everyone was up and saw that the maknaes were nowhere to be seen, Seokjin calmly told them the situation.

It was around an hour after seokjin had started his morning when the hot topics came back.

That atmosphere of tension and gloom from last night yet again surrounding them only slightly lighter than before.

"Responsible huh," Seokjin asked them jokingly, as they entered the dorm.

"Hyunnggg.." Jungkook whined. "You know we are responsible. We aren't babies anymore." The youngest consciously felt a pang in his heart. They definitely weren't kids anymore.

But he had to pretend that everything was okay. That was the pact they made. So despite the pain in his heart, he held that beautiful smile of his on his visibly tired face.

"Ah as much as it hurts my poor heart, the babies have absolutely become brats and I know that," Seokjin said, shaking his head, acting sad.

"SAYS THE BIGGEST BRAT HIMSELF," Taehyung shouted before running away. He knew what was coming.

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