4 - Suffer with me

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"Lying is easy, it's keeping the truth from destroying oneself that's hard".


The youngest brothers of the group had woken up earlier than everyone else. The reason to tell was that they had to get the car and the reason to hide was that they couldn't close their eyes without seeing blood and death.

The three met in the kitchen and they sat drinking berry tea to cure their splitting headache and hangover. Their expressions blank but their minds a chaos of a million thoughts.

"How's the arm jungkook?",Taehyung asked, breaking the deafening silence.

"It's alright. It's not hurting as much." Jungkook replied. "How about you guys?".

"I got bruises but it's nothing.". Jimin said.

"Same with me". Taehyung added.

"We should go get the car", Jungkook said as he looked at the other two.

"All three of us?"Taehyung asked.

"Yeah I guess...?". Jungkook replied uncertainly.

And with that the three left to get the car. For the first few minutes, they walked in silence, their heads down and eyes fixed on the ground. But the second youngest couldn't take his thoughts anymore.

"What the fuck are we gonna do?", Taehyung said suddenly as he stopped walking. "I mean I killed someone. Are we just going to leave it at that? Move on? What about the others? Are we seriously not going to tell them".

"Tae. I don't know what we're supposed to do now okay?" Jimin said, his voice shaking. "I don't know".

Taehyung sighed and started walking again with his hands in his pocket. But they all soon stopped again as they reached the place where everything had gone wrong.

The alley's entrance had a yellow tape labelled 'CRIME SCENE' stretched across its width. There was no body to be seen, just a glimpse of dried blood, barely visible, against the dark backdrop of the ground.

They eyed the surroundings to see a police officer standing near a police car and immediately adjusted their face masks to conceal their identity.

But this time they weren't just hiding their identity as idols but also as murderers. It was something that made their heartache, A wave of guilt washing over them simultaneously.

The three men continued walking but instead of going by the alley, they decided upon going another way. They couldn't bear to walk by that place ever again.

But Jungkook apparently had a different idea as he started to make his way towards the alley. The two hyungs stared at the makane dumbstruck and then they realised that Jungkook was going to the police officer. And before the Maknae could take another step, Taehyung hurriedly pulled the maknae by his wrist towards him.

"What the hell jungkook?!", Taehyung exclaimed in a whisper.

"What.." Jungkook said, genuinely confused.

"What? What were you doing just now? Confessing? Are you crazy..do you know what's-".

"Hyungs, I may be younger but I am not stupid." Jungkook stated with a sigh.

The 95s looked at him in utter confusion. What else was he doing?

"I was going to ask that police officer what was going on, so that we would know how deep in shit we are. If they had identified the.." Jungkook paused as he closed his eyes and continued. "I-If they had identified the murderer and what they think happened."

"That's confidential information. Why would they tell us?", Jimin said.

"Because hyung, we live in this area and we're idols. We are worried about our safety." Jungkook said. "I hate to use the idol card but we have to".

Jimin looked at taehyung but the latter had his eyes averted to the ground. The oldest between the three sighed and nodded to Jungkook so as to say he could do what he was going to do.

Jungkook came to a stop before the police officer and bowed in greeting.

"Annyeonghaseyo ma'am".

"Annyeonghaseyo, How can I help you," The police officer replied as she turned to look at him.

"I just wanted to know what happened here," Jungkook said as he looked back at the alley.

"A man was found stabbed here last night.", She replied.

"Oh my god, do you know who killed him?", Jungkook said trying to act shook but he was finding it hard as he was suddenly hit with a wave of nausea.

"Sir are you okay," She asked as Jungkook clutched his stomach.

"Uh ah y-yes..I-I am fine. It's just hearing someone was killed in the neighborhood..It's a bit unsettling..I kind of feel nauseous." Jungkook said, trying to use his sudden sickness to his advantage by acting as if the entire situation was troubling to him. And truthfully it was.

Because he had killed a stranger right behind where he was standing.

"I know..it's quite shocking. We don't have murders around this area that often. You know with the top notch security of millionaires and such living here." The police officer replied with a sigh.

"Exactly..do you know what happened?", Jungkook asked.

"We have a few theories." She replied with a small smile.

Shit. Jungkook thought to himself. This isn't working. This was going to be hard.

Jungkook didn't realise he was staring into the distance until the officer waved her hand in front of him.

"Sorry..just worried," Jungkook replied, readjusting his eyes.

"Look you don't need to worry. You said you live around the area right?" The police officer asked. Jungkook nodded in reply and she continued.

"So you know there are gangs around Seoul and most deals are made in Gangnam-gu. Rich buyers and all that. So we're thinking it's just one of those deals gone wrong. So there isn't much to worry about okay?".

What the officer said was true and for all jungkook knew, the stranger might have been a drug dealer after all. But it wasn't a drug deal gone wrong but rather a mishappening.

Was jungkook relieved? He most certainly was. If they had come to this conclusion in less 24 hours of investigating, it didn't seem that the murder was going to be investgated properly.

But only time would tell them what happened next.

Jungkook thanked the officer and returned back to his hyungs and told them what he had learned. After that, nothing was said and they made their way to get their car from the bar.

Soon they were back at the dorm, silence still engulfing them. Jimin halted before opening the front door and turned around to look at his two dongsaengs.

"We need to act normal, okay? I know this can't be forgotten and I know it's gonna be hard. But we can do this. Together. Okay?", Jimin said.

The two others looked up and Jimin gave them a sad smile before he brought them into a hug. They stayed there for a minute, in each other's embrace and warmth. As they pulled away, the three makanes held back the tears forming in their eyes and put on a fabricated smile as they entered the bangtan living room.


a/n: wow it's been quite long hasn't it? well forgive me my lovelies but my mind has been a bit hard on me. This chapter isn't long I know..but I'll be updating again soon so be ready! and thank you for 100+ views. I really appreciate it!

with corona virus being a global pandemic. I hope y'all are taking proper measures to take care fo yourself. Maintain social distancing, wash your hands and stay indoors.

I'm always here for you guys! PM me if you need someone to talk to! ILYSM! borahe! fighting!

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