Chapter 11

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"Damn this is so good. How did I not know about this place?"

"I know right. I found it a year after I moved too, it's well hidden." I reply to John as he moans once again while licking the remnants of his icecream. I laugh at him. "Just get some more it's already over!"

John groans and sits back. "Nah, gotta watch the sugar or coach will have my -" he's interrupted by his ringing phone. John slides it off the table while I get up and take both our cups to throw in the bin. When I come back, he's frowning and growling at the phone. "Yes OK, but I don't have my car here you need to come pick me up. Cool, yeah I'll wait there."

"What's up?" I take my phone from the table and put it in the pocket of my jeans.

"Urgent business. Team meeting." he sighs. "We're approaching semi finals so Reece and the coach have both been going mad on us."

I laugh at his face as he gets up. "Aren't you co-captain? You should be going hulk on them as well."

He makes a non committal sound and opens the door for me with a sweeping gesture. I roll my eyes and walk ahead, bending a little to clear the low archway hiding the amazing icecream shop.

"I'm not usually the one beeing super hard on the team, that's Reece's job. I'm like the comic relief you know? And I like that position."

"It definitely suits you, your life is a joke and so are you." I groan when he shoves me off the sidewalk, but laugh at his pout as we reach my building.

"Oh hey Cullen!" I look up from shirt where I had spilled some icecream when John shouts, and we see Cullen exiting the building.

"Hello John, hey there neighbour." Cullen smiles at us as I wave awkwardly.

John and Cullen start talking as a car pulls up right behind us beside the sidewalk. I turn and watch as Reece steps out of the car, his gray eyes not missing a thing as he walks to where John is, making the conversation stop between Cullen and John.

John nods at him with a hey, then gestures to Cullen. "This is Cullen, Iris's neighbor."

Cullen nods at him as Reece narrows his eyes on both of us. "We need to leave unless you're busy right now." Reece ignores the introduction and shifts his gaze to me and his jaw clenches. I sense Cullen tensing next to me.

John laughs awkwardly and nudges Reece's shoulder, heading to the car. "Alright, bye guys, I'll see you next week for the game Iris." John waves and tries to rush Reece too to the car. As Reece gets into the car, his eyes still on me, and speeds off, I avert my gaze and sigh a little.

"What's his issue?" Cullen mutters as he stares at the car speeding forward.

I clear my throat. "Nothing at all, he's just an asshole sometimes. So," I clasp my hands and change the subject fast, facing him. "We're still on for the game right? You, me, and Roxanne, next week?"

"Definitely, It'll be fun since you'll be there." Cullen smiles and stares at me.

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, yeah. It's a big deal I'm going so you better know you're special buddy." I playfully narrow my eyes and start for the door, waving at him. Cullen laughs and waves back, shouting a see you and walking in the other direction.

I sigh and head up the stairs, praying to god I wasn't making the wrong decision by going for the game.

The College Bully (Love Came In #2)Where stories live. Discover now