Chapter 15

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"Alex, dinner's ready," I called out from the kitchen.

Alex stood up from my couch, placing his laptop down, and stretched. When I had first moved into this apartment, I had bought a small couch that was affordable yet comfortable. However, when Alex visited for the first time I soon discovered that in a one-bedroom where the bed was not that big, the couch was essential, so Alex and I had gone shopping that day itself, picking a large couch that extended into a bed that the man himself had paid for. I had complained the whole way home, with Alex repeating again and again that it was his back that was being broken by the small couch, therefore his money that should buy the new and much better couch.

Now, whenever he or dad came to visit, we'd alternate with me sometimes sleeping on the couch and sometimes on the bed. Even though both of them were used to living extremely lavishly, they never complained.

Alex dropped into one of the stools as I set the large vessel of egg rice on the kitchen counter, placing the bowl of grilled chicken and veggies next to it. Whenever Alex came over, I always had to buy almost three times the groceries I usually did and make food for what seemed like a family of four. He followed a fairly strict diet, but since the season had just gotten over, he was okay with cheating a little here and there.

I watched as Alex pilled food into his plate, smiling. "You need a bigger plate? Maybe two?" I sniggered.

Alex flexed one of his arms. "Gotta keep these guns fed, little sister."

I rolled my eyes at him, putting food on my own plate. "Roxy and I were going to go Joe's in like an hour, you wanna come?"

"Sure, I just finished answering all my emails, but I may have to come back early for a call, maybe."

I nodded my head and got up, getting dessert out of the fridge before I forgot. Alex gasped as he saw the chocolate cake. "Oh my god yas queen! My favorite!"

I rolled my eyes again, seems like I did that a lot near my older brother. "Yes that's why I made it, you can only have a slice a day though, Seb told me to keep an eye on your sweet tooth." I warned him. Seb was Alex's manager, a scary yet sweet man who called to check up on me once in a while. He knew that Alex was uncontrollable with desserts on off days, especially when he went home or stayed at my house.

The giant grown man in front of me pouted. "I only ever eat yours and Sylvia's sweets that much, otherwise I keep it under control," he complained. Sylvia was our housekeeper who had taken care of us since we were kids and who still managed dad's estate, our family home.

I ruffled his black hair that looked similar to mine. "I know buddy, I know. I'll let you have two slices, just today though."

Alex grinned and blew an obnoxious kiss at me as we continued to eat dinner.

"Are you going to aunt Grace's wedding?" I asked Alex, who was taking a second serving of the almost finished chicken. Aunt Grace was my mother's sister, who still kept in contact with us.

"Probably not. You?"

I shrugged. "Haven't decided yet. You know how those people can be." We shared a look of understanding over that.


"Are you kidding? Give me a break you dunderhead, you were the one who broke that vase, not me!"

Alex laughed as Roxanne grinned and shook her head as we talked about a childhood incident, all of which my big brother had always blamed on me.

Joe's was pretty packed tonight, but it was still easy to move around and get to the bar, unlike the weekends. We sat in one corner of the main area, having taken the spot we always did with Alex, a relatively covered spot kept empty by Joe when Alex came to visit me, required because of his celebrity status. Joe loved Alex - it was like both of us had a second dad, a grumpy yet loving man.

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