Chapter 22

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A/N: Thank you so much for the reads and votes everyone!

Above is Reece as I picture him, just with stubble and not a full beard 😍


"You look horrible." The man in front of me says with his eyebrows raised, his eyes scanning my homeless-looking form.

Before I can say anything, Reece is pushing past me, his large chest brushing against my shoulder and arm, closing the door behind him. I follow him to the kitchen where he places a bag on the counter.

He turns to me. "Bowl and spoon?"

I point to the cupboard behind him, confused as to what he was doing. "Listen, I can't do the project now but I promise I'll be free tomorrow and we can do it then," I say, clearing my throat to reduce the roughness of my voice.

He places his hands on the counter on which I was on the other side, his grey eyes focused on me, making my heart speed up. I self consciously try to smooth my messy hair down.

"I'm not here for the project. I'm here because Roxanne said you were sick. Therefore," He says, removing medicine bottles from the bag. "I have these."

I just look at him in shock as he turns back and removes something that looks like soup from the same bag, slowly opening the container and putting it in a bowl. "Why," I cough. "Why are you doing all this?"

"I don't relish the thought of dragging you to the ER." He deadpans.

I was too tired to even react to that. Sighing, I sit on the stool as he slides a bowl of soup to me. "Thank you anyway, smartass. There's lasagna you can warm up and have," I say, waving in the general direction of the refrigerator.

Reece nods and quickly gets it out, placing it in the microwave and taking a plate out of the cupboard in a move that is so familiar to the area it makes my heart ache a little. His white shirt stretches across his back and rises as he grabs a plate, the shirt sticking to the muscular and broad muscles of his back. I quickly look down, dangerously close to drooling.

Instead of sitting in front of me he comes around the counter and sits next to me. I try to move my stool so his much larger frame can fit comfortably. Before I can move much, his large hand shoots out and pulls my stool back. This makes me stay pressed up against his warm and muscular arm, not a bad position but one that sends sparks shooting up from the points of contact.

We quietly eat, and I ask him how classes went. He updates me on what else the professor had said about the project, and when I ask him about his other classes, Reece looks at me for a long minute and then answers, telling me they were fine. We only share one class, and his major of economics and law takes up many intense classes as mine does.

"This is really good, by the way," Reece says, looking down at the lasagna.

"Awwww, thanks!"

He rolls his eyes and finishes his last bite, getting up to place the plate in the sink.

"This is really good too. Where'd you get it from?" I gesture to the soup.

"Diner near my apartment. Do you feel a bit better?"

I nod my head and cough lightly. "Haven't been able to stomach anything since morning so this is really good."

Reece blanched. "Why didn't you atleast have something liquid or soft food? Don't just stop eating, Jesus."

"I tried!" I protest after swallowing the food in my mouth. "It just wouldn't go down, I had a bit and then had to stop eating."

He sighs as I finish my last bite, watching me from the other side of the counter. Just as I get up to place my bowl, a rack of shivers suddenly makes my knees weak and makes me sit back down on the stool. I groan and place my head down, trying to will them to go away.

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