Chapter 4

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The following week in college passed by without too much problem; Reece bothered me to the minimum (though I did catch him staring holes into me many times, usually leading to me quickly bolting from wherever I was) but he had apparently informed the professor 'out of concern' that I had caught chlamydia and won't make it to college on Tuesday - I had been 15 minutes late, and that's all it took for him to ruin my week. The professor had not, thank god, believed him (he liked me, and knew Reece's issues with me), but the class had. Stupid fucking basketball player.

By Thursday the week's work was pilling up. I had started to walk out of my International Business Relations and law class with a ton of things on my mind when the professor stopped me.

"Miss Grace? Can I have a minute of your time, please?" The teacher, a very efficient yet aloof one, had called out to me when I was walking from my seat.

"Iris is fine, sir." I smiled as he, for the first time I had ever seen, reciprocated politely.

"Well, Iris." He sighed and shuffled a few papers. "I need to ask you for a favour."

"Sure, anything."

He looked up seriously, palms flat down on the desk. "This may be one you wouldn't want to fulfil."

I looked at him, confused. "Why?"

"Well," he sighed again. "I know you and Reece don't get along but I need you to tutor his friend."

It took me a while, and I also wondered how he knew or had observed Reece's actions. "Who, John?"

"Yes. John Menses."

"Why, is he failing the class?"

"He's close to, yes."

I laughed at this point. "I have no problem tutoring him."

The professor looked at me sceptically. "Really? You wouldn't mind?"

"Mr Reynolds, I don't know who you're thinking of, but John Menses is about as harmless as a fly."

He smiled and shook his head, looking out the window. "He does seem like the type." He faced me again, and I could see his eyebrows slightly scrunched in a concerned way. "I don't want to force this on you, Iris. If you aren't comfortable with it, you can say no and I won't be offended at all."

I sighed patiently as well, shifting a little from one foot to the other. "I promise I'm being completely honest here - I don't have a problem teaching John. I just have to sort out some time for it."

He grinned this time, catching me off guard. "I had a feeling you would say yes."

I grinned and waved at him, turning and walking out the door after saying goodbye.


"Coming!" I shouted from my bedroom as I heard loud knocks on my front door. A quick glance at the clock proved that John was on time, something I hadn't expected.

I put down the clothes I had been placing inside my cupboard, neatly folded, and jogged to the front door to open it. The first thing I saw was his smirking face.

"That's what she said." He said with a suggestive grin. I rolled my eyes and pulled him in, closing the door behind him. It was only 5 in the evening, so the apartment was still pretty bright with natural light coming in through the wide windows.

John sauntered around like he owned the place, looking at everything with a deep interest. "Nice digs."

"Thanks. Give me a minute, OK? Just sit at the desk." I said before going back into the bedroom. Of course, John followed and again scanned the room.

The College Bully (Love Came In #2)Where stories live. Discover now