Chapter 16

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Special thanks to - atnazhin00 , hunneyyyyyy , Kissa_bae_be , mieshkakoortzen and, the loveliest reader ever, liddy51, for voting, reading, and adding this book. Every read keeps me going ✨



"Dude, what the fuck?" I said in a disgusted voice as Alex showed me the picture of some supermodel he had banged last weekend. "She looks like a horse!"

"How many times do I tell you, it's all about the tits and ass. Chuck the face, fuck the base, baby." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes at his words, he said it like he invented it. "Whatever man, you can do much better than someone who looks like my ugly ass middle school English teacher."

Alex flicked my forehead. "That's the whole point, I have done better. You interested?" He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

This was something he constantly did. He knew I got annoyed by his flirting tendencies, so he upped it even more in our conversations.

I smiled widely at him. "In your dreams, pretty face!"

I snickered as his face morphed into fake anger and shock. "Pretty face? you know me better than that, cmon baby girl!"

I couldn't stop laughing as he ranted about how he wasn't a pretty face but did have a pretty nice face. This was a bizarre conversation.

I looked away from Alex for a second, still laughing, and met the eyes of my mortal enemy as he stood near the bar, getting a drink and staring holes into my face apparently. Well, mortal enemy is a bit of an exaggeration, but it's better than what I'd alternatively like to call John.

His narrowed eyes shifted from me to Alex, who was now chuckling at pictures on Instagram of his bang buddy, imagining her as a horse every time, evident through his muttering. I narrowed my eyes right back at him, ignoring his angry expression, and the feeling of my heart racing at the sight of his lean form leaning against the bar.

I looked away from his gaze and slide a little closer to the window. I was observing people drunk stumbling out of Joe's when I caught sight of my best friend and Reece the Jerk, my own interpretation of his fame name RJ. I felt dread pooling in my stomach at the sight of his hand grabbing hers. Realistically, I knew he wouldn't hurt her, but I couldn't fully trust him either.

I turned to Alex, grabbing his arm. "You remember that guy I told you about, who's been bullying Iris?"

Alex's grin immediately slid off at the mention of our conversation almost a week ago when I had detailed everything that had happened at the match, and before that. I had promised Iris that I wouldn't tell Alex about Reece and make him worry unnecessarily as she said, but the panic attack had been a breaking point for my resolve. I had to protect my best friend somehow, and her little bully problem that was never actually little had gone unaddressed for far too long. I suspect our conversation was the reason Alex had rushed here so soon after his season had ended, using the excuse of needing a break.

"The son of the man whose case dad's on right?" Alex said, looking at me with a serious expression. "What about him?"

I nervously played with my beer bottle, knowing Iris won't like this, my eyes sliding to look at the two of them outside. "I need you to hear me ou-"

Before I could finish my question, Alex followed my shifty gaze and turned his head around, seeing Reece and Iris outside the bar. Reece was shaking her shoulders and shouting at her.

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