Chapter 9

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The days following that Monday from hell were better.

Assignments kept coming in from every class, which I was thankful for because it kept me constantly busy and occupied. Time spent freely was great and all, but too much time on my hands led to thinking and being idle and just pondering over things that were better left un-pondered.

The week passed by quickly. Basketball season had started but I never was as into it as other kids in Duke were, despite it being a big part of both my dad and brother's lives. It wasn't that I didn't like it; it was the university matches I hated.

I still vividly remembered the first few matches I attended first year with Roxanne, with me secretly drooling over Reece in his jersey, sweat rolling down his body and that gorgeous head of reddish blonde hair damp with it; always in control of his team and his surroundings, dominating the court like only skilled players could. As much as I shudder to think of a time like that, it hadn't been that bad.

The last match I had attended, however, had sealed the deal for me never attending another in my life.

It had been a few months into second year and when Reece's hostile behaviour had been at its peek. I remember being reluctant to go for that match but being convinced by my best friend nevertheless.

Needless to say it hadn't been the best experience; I was cornered on my way to the stands after the match by Reece and two of his worshipping b-ball team members. The drinks I had been holding, taking them back for Roxy and I had been flicked out of my hand. Reece had left after that small act, but his buddies had stayed and had been daring enough to lock me inside a small supplies closet near the locker room which had been in the process of emptying at the time. Of course, it had probably been on his order that his jock friends had locked me in.

I didn't ever want to experience that darkness, that panic again - I was just thankful that it had been for only an hour. Luckily a Janitor had found me just when I had given up and was close to tears, opening the door which I had been hopelessly banging my fists again.

My cell was in Roxanne's car, and I had only found out later that someone had told her I went home by myself because I wasn't feeling too good. I hadn't said a word to correct her because I knew that if she knew the truth she'd completely loose it.

That night I had let out everything suppressed in me. During months of the immature torture and hurtful words Reece had put me through I hadn't broken down once, not a crack in my barrier. Days of convincing myself that it was really no big deal had worked. I still do believe that it wasn't that big of a deal; but being inside that closet, even if it was for a short period of time, had scared me.

It wasn't that I was claustrophobic. When I was younger my mother had locked me in a small, dark and empty room for some time when we were moving into a newer, bigger house. I can't remember what it had been for, only that it had happened. I never really thought of it, something that happened so many years ago, but that day had brought back memories I didn't care to visit.

That night after I got back home, walking since it had been late, I had absolutely collapsed just inside my apartment. I had cried for who knows how long and then told myself to pull my shit together and be stronger.

I didn't care to hide away from the past and always believed in facing it and knowing things will always be a part of you, and I always will stand by it. By the time I had finished throwing myself a little pity party it had been early in the morning of the next day. I remember not going to school like a coward for two whole days, giving Roxanne the excuse of sickness. Thankfully she had only come by once on the second day because of her busy schedule and seen me fine, promising her that I would show up the next day.

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