Chapter 60 - Champions

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_ Humans and Fabulares, welcome to the most anticipated show of the 432nd Ágora, the "Confront of Champions"!

The Futakuchi-onna announcer exclaims from the podium. The public's cry echoes throughout Nagahira. The dome on the arena's roof is open, letting the stars invade the event.

_ As you know, the "Confront" isn't a competition! Today, we celebrate peace in glorious friendlies battles that will show the power of our great warriors! _ The audience vibrates _ Like it or not, half of the Ecclesia is the Cavalry, so they need to be entertained! _ The crowd laughs with joking gestures _ The betting booths will be running in each round!

Then, the announcer presents the judges, giving special attention to the flavian Paragon, Yomi En, who is clearly frustrated by not participating in the fights. Finally, the Fabulare explains:

_ In case of technical draws, Mrs. Godeve Busia will define the tiebreaker criterion! _ Godeve beckons the audience _ And, last but not least, Eloah Fortescue will decide the rules for each fight! Excited?! _ The public is ecstatic when Eloah gets up, smiling.

The fights begin. First, a Centaur faces off a Paladin, then two pairs of Veneficus battle each other, followed by another human pair matching Alium Genus. New rounds take place. Each victory and defeat is experienced by the audience as if it were a matter of life and death. Betting money goes on and on. A woman with green eyes ignores the celebrations and walks, alone, towards the East building.

_ Unfortunately, we're on our way to the last matches of the night! _ The announcer states; the crows boos _ But luckily we received a special request for a new battle!

_ Special request? _ Eloah asks _ Was it you, Godeve?

_ In truth, no. I thought it could have been you. How curious.

The crowd starts to stomp in anxiety while the announcer walks across the stage. Suddenly, she stops and says, in a mysterious tone:

_ On one hand, the prodigy, the future of the Paragons' legacy! With the shield arms on his chest, Amadeo Alscher!!

An intense cacophony takes over the audience, mixing boos with celebrations. He comes in with a serious expression and two swords sheathed. Eloah turns to Godeve:

_ I... did not give permission to this... Godeve.

_ I swear it wasn't me! _ She laughs _ But we will have to honor the brave person that did!

The Futakuchi-onna resumes the speech:

_ On the other side, the unknown; epitome of strength! Entering with his bare fists, Johan Ionani, Body Aberration!

The roars are euphoric. Eloah says an "Ah" and Godeve lets her jaw drop. From the stands, Nayla and Dijana hop, almost in desperate excitement:

_ IT CAN'T BE!!! Emília had to see this!!!

When the other enters, Amadeo can't contain his laughter:

_ I don't believe that we'll finally fight each other! After so long, can you beat me?!

_ ...You'll see.

When the commotion subsides and the combatants greet each other, it's time to define the combat rule. Eloah considers the various options: "Weapons only", "Victory by immobilization", "Defeat by fall"... Opening her most sadistic smile, she says:

_ Do not die.

The announcer freezes for a moment. Amadeo's eyes widen; Johan takes a deep breath:

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