Chapter 3 - Weights

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_ Woooaaa!! _ The smiling boy gets very close to Johan, almost touching him _ You're Johan, right? Ohhh! Nice to meet ya!! I'm Okonko Babatunde, from Nigrum!! Call me Oko! _ His caramel eyes sparkle, contrasting with the black skin _ I'll be your roommate here in Meigdan. Ahhh, by the way, I'm a Ranger and I'm going to join the District Unit of the Priesthood of my region! I'll only stay here during this first week! What you gonna join?

Johan, eyes wide open and suffocating, remains silent trying to process his colleague's fast-paced speech.

_ Uh... I haven't decided yet. _ His words are truncated.

_ Ehhhh...! Reaally? I'm sure they'll call you out to join the Advanced Combat Unit, ACU! That's soooo like you! We've to decide by the end of this week, right?

_ Yeah. Maybe. _ He replies, sitting on the bed.

Okonko steps away from Johan, maintaining the joviality, but with some shyness. He asks, in a more respectful tone:

_ Is it okay if I ask a question?

Johan says "yes", while silent. His expression becomes more relaxed.

_ After yesterday's explosion ... You had something very... different? In the back... ya'know? What was it?

Johan looks away, staring at the surroundings for a few seconds as if searching for words in the corners of the room. He rests his gray eyes on Oko's childish face.

_ Whenever I get hurt, these... scars appear. They're very hard _ He lifts his shirt and shows the wound on his back, copper-colored, like a carapace _ and don't hurt... It hurts a lot at the time, but then, goes away. _ He shrugs.

_ Hmm... How interesting. How long does it take to form the "scar", more or less? _ He simulates a touch movement.

Johan looks doubtful. He never paid any attention to that. Oko suggests an experiment. Johan consents, a little fearful. Thus, the pair engages in a walk through the corridors of the fort, while Oko talks happily about various subjects. Johan listens, in silence.

_ I think it's super cool that the Ecclesia is divided into the Priesthood for administrative and bureaucratic things, and the Cavalry to deal with practical stuff. You said you don't know which Unit you're going to, but it's certain that's in the Cavalry, right? The Cavalry has the District Units, which take care of a region's problems. My father worked at one! There're also Border Units on the margins between friendly and hostile territory, where scary Fabulares live! Super dangerous, but nothing worse than the Advanced Combat Unit, huh? _ Oko pauses; Johan agrees with a grunt _ So, they're sent on missions too difficult for the District to resolve on their own. It's usually things involving violent Fabulares, ya'know? And other dangerous things too! Oh, and there's the Joint Research Unit that works with the Priesthood in remote places to learn things about the world and creatures, and whatever else. Only smart people are called to join. _ He pauses again to catch his breath _ Ah, but ya'know, the Priesthood has some pretty cool things too. Like the District Unit similar to the Cavalry's! And they form the Executive Unit that manages aaaall the Ecclesia. They also have the Special Services Unit that provides support to the people, material, spiritual, etc. They're the ones who do the Spheres Evaluation of children all over the world! When you did your child analysis, did the Aberration appear? _ Oko asks, but there is no time for Johan to answer _ It's cool, right?

Finally, they arrive at a training room, where a huge, red-haired woman swings an immense axe with a long handle against some Parvus.

_ You weaklings! Cowards! Stupids! _ Her voice is deep and harsh.

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