Chapter 122 - War

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At the west gate, Sayuri maintains a large barrier on her own, seeing the bizarre movement of the beasts ahead. The rescue work seems to be endless. Sayuri exclaims:

_ I won't let people die!! Not while I'm alive!!

That 20cm creature's determination motivates the rest of the Knights, but still, the success rate is low... lower than they would like to admit.

Fumio flies to the safe region, carrying three people with some difficulty. His red mask broke, leaving both eyes exposed. He has already lost too many feathers and his body aches. The rescue work is indeed endless...

Fumio approaches the evacuation coordinator's desk and hears a messenger say:

_ It seems that Douglas d'Brass group was exterminated! Most of our people can't defeat the Demons, but at least they've defeated several Ganger! _ He sighs _ But the worst thing is that... the second Witch was seen in the east. She's opening a new portal to bring in more soldiers...

"Oh no. Two Witches and Amadeo...! It's an invincible fight", Fumio thinks, approaching a weapon rack. "If my intuition is correct, Johan should have already arrived. Is it likely that Daemon Cordis wants to face him in person...or perhaps she wants Amadeo to defeat him? Hm...", he pulls out a metal bow encrusted with jewels and runes. "One way or another, the second Witch is a problem. It would be terrible if she interrupted their "DTR", as Penan would say, and brought more monsters here", he concludes, taking the weapon with him.

Near the barrier, Sayuri exclaims:

_ Fumio!! It's dangerous to go alone! Take this!!

She throws a golden medallion, with the figure of a swallow. Fumio recognizes that there is some kind of magic in it, but doesn't know what type. Maybe a protection spell, who knows. What is important is the gesture, not the effect. "I have a plan after all!", he thinks as he takes off. For the Tengu who hates to fight, facing the Witch is a physical and mental challenge.

Sayuri sighs, watching people come and go in a deplorable state. She recognizes that the coordinators' approach is confused and passionate. The technical rationality typical of the Priests was replaced by the certainty of defeat. She too can't make up her mind: Maintain the barrier? Leave other people in her place?

_ Hey, ya' fools! What's goin' on ya' heads?! Don'tcha know how to set up a refugee camp?! _ A little girl's voice echoes.

Sayuri recognizes the arrogant and imperious tone: "Keisha!". She turns back and sees the girl in the wheelchair approaching the chiefs. Fayola follows beside her; her eyes clearly swollen from crying. Keisha asserts herself:

_ The Ecclesia is on the verge of collapse, and y'all gave up already! You think Godeve would be happy about this?! I'm sure she wouldn't! _ She makes a line on the map on the table. _ If you're willing to listen, and lend me your strength, I've got some ideas to fix up this shit.

The Priests are filled with a mixture of shame and relief. Having the Mind Aberration with them refills their hope, while taking orders from a brat is... humiliating. Without hesitation, they listen to the commands:

_ First, let's reorganize the refugee camp. I want color classification of people's life status. Get the civilians in to help the wounded, and find a way to send them to the south road. There's a group of the Special Services Unit there.

A Priest assumes the role; Keisha continues:

_ Second, let's redistribute the pairs of rescue and containment, sectoring the city in rings from the periphery to the center. Pro-tip: Get some "omamoris"; they help to find the Demons. Another tip: Use a weapon creation circle in breastplate armor and shields so they're smooth as a mirror. That can help against the Ganger.

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