Chapter 25 - Deals

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Johan opens his eyes slowly. His vision, still blurred, is obscured by the strong morning light coming in from the window. He realizes that he is in his dorm. He slowly gets up and tries to recap what had happened: He fought with Deodoro and then... He slept? "How long...?", he asks himself as he gets up. His body throbs and his head spins.

He puts on a shirt and leaves the room, heading immediately for Nayla and Dijana's office. He walks with wobbly steps. Some people try to approach him on the way, but the ringing in his ears prevents him from listening. He moves on. When he is approaching the room, he sees the door open. Then Nayla and Amadeo appear, laughing out loud. The three look at each other in silence, until the excited pair runs towards Johan, shouting:

_ Congratulatiiiiiions!!!!

Nayla jumps on him, hanging on as usual, but Johan leans forward.

_Ehh! Still with the "Slumber" hangover", huh! Poor thing! _ Nayla hits his cheeks _ Hahaha!

_ Hm... _ He grunts in response.

_ Johan!! _ Amadeo's eyes twinkle; he can't hide his smile _ Congratulations on passing on to Prima-Ordinis! _ He bites his lips _ Ahhh! I wanted to watch it so, so much!! I was late for ONE DAY!

_ Th... thanks... Wait. _ Johan turns to Nayla _ But I lost (?)

Nayla laughs and slaps Amadeo on the back saying "Didn't I say!". Then she explains:

_ So, the evaluators judged that you won for two reasons: First, an external intervention, also known as your majesty Emília, hindered your test; second, you actually managed to get Deodoro out of the circle, theoretically, before you lost consciousness! Of course, Linda and I argued in your favor, but what works, is right! The details don't matter.

_ What matters is that you can now go on official missions! _ Amadeo says, supporting both hands on his waist.

_ Ehhh...! Paragon-baby, why are you so happy about this, huh? _ Nayla outlines a provocative expression.

Instantly, Amadeo's entire face heats up to an intense pink.

_ I don't know what you're talking about! Ahem! I need to report things, so... See you later!

He leaves with his head down, trying to hide his shyness. Nayla smiles like a proud mother. Turning to Johan, she says:

_ Maybe you didn't understand, but I won't explain it to you either.

_ Huh? _ Johan replies.

_ Oh, but you're dumb as a bag of hammers! Well, when the time comes, you'll know. But, like, I don't know that "Talentum" you have inside of you, champion, but in these last few months you have managed to change certain people.

Nayla looks at him, smiling, and puts her hand on his shoulder. Without saying anything else, she turns around with a wink and goes back to her office. From the door, Johan sees Dijana signaling: "Congratulations!"

_ And this is what I have to say, Savill. _ Amadeo says, with his chin resting on his fist.

_ So that's why they sent you back earlier. Interesting. I will have to report this to Lady Fortescue... _ Arthur replies, writing nonstop in his huge book.

_ Because she obviously must know what happens on every minute of my life. _ Amadeo rolls his eyes and leans back.

_ You shouldn't think like that, kid. Remember that...

However, the sound of knocking on the door interrupts the conversation. It opens and Deodoro appears. He smiles when he sees Amadeo.

_ Excuse me. Curiously, I needed to talk to both of you. _ He scratches his head _ Not necessarily at the same time.

Arthur laughs and tells Deodoro to enter. The Veneficus sits down and lands two black envelopes with moon seals on the table. Arthur stares at the letters, frowning. Deodoro turns to Amadeo:

_ Have you ever heard of the city that never dawns?

The metallic boots bang against the wooden floor making an intense sound that echoes through the corridors. However, he does not slow down, even when he passes through the door he was looking for. He returns a few steps and opens it.

_ Johan?! _ Amadeo exclaims.

The other turns around, startled.

_ Oh, sorry! I forgot to knock...

_ What is it?! _ Johan asks, sharply.

Amadeo fidgets. He stutters for a few seconds, but finally manages to get the words out:

_ Deodoro has been my tutor since I came to Meigdan, and he always talked a lot about "compatibility" and "balance" of the pairs and such. Also, Savill talks about it all the time for the past, like, 2 years! I kept insisting on being on my own, but then some things happened and I started to think: "Maybe a "testdrive" isn't a bad idea"...

_ Hmm, I understand... So, that's what Nayla was talking about. _ Johan says, approaching.

_ What...?

_ My "Talentum" that made the prodigy Paragon change his mind. _ He sighs _ I don't like you. You'e annoying, loud, and afraid of your own power. _ Amadeo's expression wilts _ But I want to see how strong you really are... _ Johan touches the insignia on the blonde's chest _ "Balance", right...? I'll be your sword and your shield... if you promise not to piss off.

The violet glow of Amadeo's blue eyes reflects immense ecstasy. Smiling with the corner of his lips, he extends his hand and says:

_ Seems like a good deal to me!

They shake hands, sealing the start of a dire partnership.

After, Amadeo explains the details of their next mission: The Midnight City, home to the nightly Fabulares inserted in society, Vampires of all races. The city is covered by a timeless spell that keeps it forever on a full moon night. There are several other cities like this in other countries, but none is as big and populous as the Midnight City.

_ And that's where we heading!


End of Arc 1 - Humans 

# Leave your comments about this arc, expectations, criticisms and doubts #

Thank you for coming this far! We'll meet again in Arc 2 - Vampires


...Extra scene...

_ Then he said, with that penetrating look: "I'll be your sword and your shield, if you promise not to piss me off"... _ Amadeo says, deepening his voice and trying to be mysterious.

_ Ahhhh! My goddesses!! _ Nayla exclaims; her cheeks red.

"Ah!", Dijana signals, with tears in her eyes. The three together affirm: "HE'S SO COOL!!". Nayla continues:

_ Seriously, I'd fall in love right away. And I don't even like men, right, Linda? Hahaha!

Dijana nods and laughs. Amadeo giggles and pats her friend on the shoulder:

_ Shut up, Nayla!!

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