Chapter 33 - Throat

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_ Johan? _ Amadeo looks at the banks of the lagoon, while walking from side to side _ Joohaan? Hm... It's been a while now. _ He bends down and extends his hand towards the water _ Jo-!

However, before he can finish speaking, the man's arm grabs his fist. As soon as his face comes out, Johan takes a deep breath through his mouth, but quickly angers takes over his face.

_ Johan! I'm glad you're fine! _ Amadeo smiles, cynical, helping the other.

_ You didn't do anything!! _ He growls, already with his feet on the ground.

_ Well, but you said that you didn't need my help! _ He keeps the pretense.

_ You...! _ Johan pulls him with one hand, while he squeezes the other fist.

_ Easy, easy! Just kidding! If you were really in danger, I'd help.

Johan lets go and sighs. "Why did I agree to be this idiot's pair?", he asks himself, while drying his face and tightening the hair bow. However, suddenly, the creature emerges with a great leap and flies over both. It squeaks. Amadeo turns his arm, forming a golden fencing blade.

_ I thought you killed it! _ Exclaims.

_ I was more concerned about not drowning...! _ Johan replies.

With a quick thrust, the Paragon pierce the frog creature with his weapon, which soon falls apart. He smiles and says:

_ This little guy is a Llamhigyn Y Dwr. They're a hybrid of frog and bat, very common in swamps here in Albam. They usually live in large groups. They're considered a Grade 3 treat cause of that. It looks like we're lucky to face just one! _ He turns to Johan.

He's looking around the scene, as if hunting something. Slowly, he extends a hand and says, in a low voice:

_ You said it too soon...

The water bubbles and the mud moves slowly, as if the entire swamp has awakened. Two frogs fly towards the pair. Amadeo takes a step forward and separates his legs, while crossing his arms down towards the ground. This causes two stalagmites to appear from the soil, piercing the creatures. With a new gesture, he makes the stone columns collide with each other.

_ Everything under control! _ He lands his hands on his waist, proud.

However, he soon feels a slimy tongue wraping around his leg. Struggling to keep his balance, he notices dozens of other Llamhigyn Y Dwr emerging from the depths of the lagoons. "These guys are usually not this aggressive...", Amadeo thinks. Simultaneously, Johan steps on the Fabulare tongue, releasing the blonde. They exchange fleeting glances and, without hesitation, Amadeo looks for the small knife he brings to his waist.

_ Sword?! _ He exclaims; Johan just shrugs.

The creatures advance, with jumps and shirll grunts. Amadeo steps back until he colides with the other boy. As soon as he begins to remove the weapon from the transformation circle, he feels the weight of Johan's hands taking the hilt for himself. For a few centimeters, the blade does not reach Amadeo's face. "He did it on purpose!!", he thinks.

Johan prepares to counter-attack three creatures that croak towards him. Without difficulty, he impales one of the monsters, and then, as he takes a few steps forward, he smashes another one between his elbow and knee. The third enemy jumps in his direction, however, before he can react, a small dagger flies, like an arrow, grazing his ear, and strikes one of the creature's muscular legs.

_ Oops! That was close! _ Amadeo smiles; Johan grits his teeth _ Let's get out of here. This is their home. There's no reason for us to kill them. _ He picks up the dagger from the monster that is already recovering, and runs down the trail.

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