Chapter 1

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-Your POV-
We didn't have a plan. This felt like the first time in a long time that not a single one of us had a plan. Everyone was either in a state of shock, or panic. I, however, was in both. The two most important people in my life taken right from beside me while I was asleep.
My throat was burning and my skin felt tight from the salty tears that dried on my face. I couldn't cry anymore. It was no longer physically possible. Thomas stood beside me, trying to comfort me. Everyone had cried, even Jorge and Gally shed a few tears. But I think I cried more than anyone.

I could barely get words out as realization hit me. I started sobbing, falling to the ground, but Thomas caught me in his arms and engulfed me in a hug.
"Shhh.. it's okay. They're gonna be okay.." I heard him whisper into my hair as he tried to calm me down. But it wasn't working.
I sobbed into his chest, tears soaking his shirt. He just rubbed my back, trying to comfort me. He tried to stay strong, but I felt a few tears hit my head as they fell from his cheeks. He placed a gentle kiss on the top of my head. I couldn't even focus on his comfort, though. My heart was aching. I couldn't even find the strength to walk, so he carried me back to camp, where everyone was trying to gather an idea of what just happened.
He sat down, placing me in his lap and playing with my hair as my sobs became weaker and more aching. I felt a wave of panic rush over me, followed by an overwhelming sensation, and then I passed out in Thomas's arms.
When I woke up, everyone was trying to come up with possible scenarios of what could have happened. But everything they were saying sounded like a bunch of sugarcoating.
"They were taken," I croaked out. It was pretty obvious to me, but everyone snapped their heads towards me.
"We have to get them back."

—end flashback—

"I think the first thing we could do is split up and search the nearby areas. We could ask around in the village, and cover more ground," Jorge spoke up. He was the first of any of us to actually come up with something. Most of us nodded in approval to his plan, except Gally.

"No." he spoke up, causing everyone to divert their attention to him. "Think about it: why were Newt and Rosa taken? It's odd to take a child and an ex-crank when you have two immunes with special blood right here," he stated, pointing at me and Thomas.
"What's your point?" Brenda asked, obviously drained and annoyed.
"My point is: they took those two for a reason. Newt and Rosa are Y/N's weaknesses, we all know that. They either wanted to hurt her, lure her to them, or both. Who's to say they won't snatch her up and torture her next if we split up?" Gally made his point clear.
"But why wouldn't they just take Y/N herself? She was right here with us," Minho asked, still trying to understand Gally's point.
Gally just stumbled to find an answer. It was pretty silent for a minute while everyone tried to gather their thoughts and reasoning.

"Because it's WCKD," Frypan spoke up for the first time in a while. Everyone's head snapped in his direction at the same time like he was a magnet pulling on us. "I mean it only makes sense. She escaped them already. They know they can't take her. They had to find a way for her to come to them," he stated with a shrug. Jorge chuckled at that.
"That's ridiculous, hermano. WCKD is gone. Destroyed." Jorge responded to the boy and everyone agreed. Frypan lifted his arms up in defense.
"Alright. It was just a theory," he said, sighing in defeat.
"But it still makes sense. The part where someone is trying to lure her in. It may not be WCKD, but others know about her strength and her abilities," Minho said.
"And her blood," Brenda added to that and he nodded. "Which means we have to protect her. No splitting up." Everyone nodded in agreement to that.

"Okay, so we'll search together. Like one big... not so happy.. family," Gally said to clarify.
"We can start in the village. There's no way that no one heard anything. We should be able to find at least one person who saw something suspicious," Brenda spoke up, "Is everyone okay with that?" We all looked at each other, no one objecting to the idea. "Okay good."
"I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready to kick some ass," Minho said, cracking his knuckles in fists.
"Count me in on that one," Gally replied with a huff.
"Me too," Thomas spoke up with a raspy voice and a halfhearted smirk.

I wanted to speak up, but I didn't know what to say. And even if I did, the pain in my throat kept me from saying anything regardless. Thomas placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, looking down at me. I tried to smile at him, but I couldn't even remember how to smile. I just looked at him. He gently rubbed my shoulder. He understood what I was feeling and going through. I have to remember that he went through this too when he lost Teresa and Newt both in one day, but it wasn't the last time he saw them. I don't want the night before to be the last time I saw Newt and Rosa.

"Well, when do we take action?" Jorge asked, looking around the room at each of us. No one knew how to answer or if they even should answer. I stood up from where I had been sitting and dusted myself off. The pain in my throat suddenly vanished as I got a rush of adrenaline and determination. I was going to get them back.


Okay thank you to everyone who came back to my story to read the sequel!! I know it was kind of a dick move to make y'all think the story was over but when am I not doing something like that? Anyways I love you guys and I hope you enjoy this one just as much as the other xx

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