Whats happening

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The counselor said to do something that makes me happy. So I'm traveling. I'm going to London England tomorrow and I'm so excited! My mom is coming with me. But she is only staying for a few days while I will be staying for a month. Give or take a few weeks.

The hotel and car I was renting was already pre-paid for.

As I finish packing my remaining clothes into my bag. I grab my notebook and start jotting down song lyrics. I've never been a great songwriter, but I guess I'm decent. Humming to myself I plug in my headphones and roll my suitcase into the trunk of the taxi.

The poor driver had been there for half an hour and we were running up quite a tab so I called to my mom.

"MOM LETS GO! POOR GUYS BEEN WAITING HERE FOREVER!" I scream to her inside the house. I hear her mumble an ok and the taxi driver gives me a thankful look. I get into the cab with my mom as he drives us off to the airport.

We reach the airport about an hour before our plane takes off. So we rush to security and get some food to take onto the plane with us. We sit on the plane in silence when my mom starts talking to me again.

"At least promise me you will give the poor boys who will eventually ask you out a chance?" She begs. "Fine." I mumble pulling my hoodie up, closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.

I wake about an hour before we were supposed to arrive. I excuse myself to the bathroom so I could fix up my make-up. The plane jolts and I grip the walls beside me and squeeze my eyes closed.

I hate flying.

The speaker comes on, "Ladies and gentlemen this is your captain speaking. We will be arriving to our destination shortly. Approximately 45 minutes. Please return to your seats and fasten your seat belts. Thank you.

Taking a deep breath in I walk back to my seat and begin reading a book. "Almost there." I breath. "Almost there."

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