Hello Dan

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That morning I got up to go get breakfast at McDonald's. I walked I to the fast food restraunt and stood in line. I heard the door open and turned around to see the person who had walked in. It was him. The guy I had seen at the cafe. I watch as he looks around then makes his way over to a table. He's tapping on his phone for a bit when a blond haired girl walks in. She makes her way over to his table and they greet each other with a hug. Typical. They chat for a while then I am called up for my order. I place my order and minutes later it's ready. I grab my McDonald's bag and leave. I walk into the flat and set the food on the table. I turn around to see my mom dangling a piece of paper in my face.  "Wazthat?" I ask yawning. "Concert tickets for tonight." she answers beaming. What did she just say? "What." "I found this band named To Kill A King. I listened to some of their music and I think you would Really like them!" "Ummm okay....." I take a bite of my breakfast burrito and sit down to watch some TV. I hear my mom sigh. "Could you at least act like you're excited?" so I yell, "OMG A CONCERT THANK YOU SO MUCH MOM I'M SO EXCITED!" Then resume watching TV like nothing had just happened. She laughs. "That's the spirit." Then takes a bite of her burrito and goes to take a shower.

To the concert I decide on wearing  skinny jeans and a dark blue t-shirt that had a moon with a howling wolf on it. When we arrived to the small venue only about two hundred people were there. This was a really small gig. The band walks on stage and everyone cheers. I start clapping as they introduce themselves. "Hi I'm Ralph and we are To Kill A King." He motions to the rest of the band members and smiles as the crowd cheers louder. I hear someone yell his name and look in the direction it came from. That's when I see him. Are you kidding me? Why is he here?" I avoid looking at him and the music starts to play. I actually really enjoyed the first song. I start singing along to the chorus as it comes around the second time. "ITS TO LATE TO SAY YOU'RE SORRY BUT SAY YOU'RE SORRY STILL!" The crowd starts jumping around and I'm still singing when I accidentally elbow someone in the stomach.

"OH MY GOSH I'M SORRY!" I yell over the music as I turn around to view the poor person that I probably just knocked the wind out of.  I turn around and of course it's him. He laughs and yells over the music, "DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT! IT IS A CONCERT BY THE WAY!" I laugh trying to calm the anxiety running through me and turn around to watch the band. I feel a tap on my shoulder as the second song begins to play. "I'm Dan by the way." He smiles extending his hand. I shake it as well as introduce myself and we start chatting. "So how are you liking them?" He asks nodding towards the stage. "Oh they are wonderful definitely going to get their songs later." "You have good taste." He smiles. We start talking a bit more and now that I could see him up close I got a better look at him. He had the most gorgeous and biggest blue eyes ever and he was really damn tall actually. At least to me he was. He was wearing a black jumper and skinny jeans and he had the sweetest personality ever.

I liked him instantly. I mean I already did but knowing him made me like him even more. Wait he's got a girlfriend idiot. I remind myself. "So do you live around here?" He asks pulling me out of my thoughts. "Oh um yea I'm pretty close by." "Yea I've seen you around." He tells me. I ask him the same question. "Oh yea I'm close by too." I nod while mumbling "nice" then turn back

around to listen to the song. As the last song begins to play I feel a light tap on my shoulder again. I turn around and Dan's rubbing a his hand through his hair, half smiling. "So um it was really nice meeting you." "You too." I smile at him. He smiles back, hand still going through his hair.  "Maybe we could.....get together sometime?" Baffled I'm barley able to answer "Yeah of course!" He smiles again, "Great! So maybe could I get your number?"  "Sure of course!" I dig around in my purse for a pen and paper and start writing my number down as he does the same. We exchange numbers and the last song ends. "Great to meet you Laura!" He calls as he and his friends leave. "You too Dan!" I wave to him and he's gone. The place is still crowded with drunk teenagers so I stay behind for a bit. One of the teenagers accidentally walks into me and spills her beer everywhere. "Im sorry! I'm so sorry!" She starts to wipe the beer off of me and I just laugh and tell her it's ok. "My name's Lindsey by the way." She smiles cheerfully at me. I smile back and introduce myself. She has straight black hair and green eyes. She was wearing black skinny jeans and a white v-neck that had a dream catcher on it. She takes me over to the group she was with and introduced me. To soon I had to leave. Lindsey and I exchanged numbers and I said goodbye and walked to the car where mom was waiting for me.

"That was a lot of fun." She says yawning. "Sure was." I glance down at Dan's phone number. Funny how this morning I didn't even know the guy.

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