Chapter 46

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Elayna's POV
I woke up with a killer headache.
I was in a different room then mine. Something was off. I was naked cuddled up to someone. I was about to turn around and tell Nash how much I appreciate him.
I turned and I had to silently cover my mouth so I didn't scream. There was Cam, also naked cuddled up to me. I could barely remember last night, then it all hit me. Every event flashed in my head.
I couldn't see any of my clothes anywhere. I think I was in Cam's room, but I'm not familiar with all of the rooms. Then I saw one of his sweatshirts. It was my only hope. I got up, without waking him up, put the sweatshirt on, and tried to run back to my room.
Bad move. Everyone accept Hayes and Alex (of course the lazy ones) were already awake and cleaning. Some of the boys wolf whistled and others just continued on cleaning.
Most of them were not quirky like usual considering they were probably hung over. The hallway had so many rooms, so they didn't know where I came from, thank God.
I sprinted to Nash and I's room. I showered the feel of Cameron off of me, then put on some sweats with a tank from Aero. I put Cam's sweater in the laundry room with all of our clothes mixed up so no one realizes I had it.
Nash texted me asking if I was okay and if I need something. I didn't want to sound needy but I really needed an Advil but I didn't have the power to move. I've gotten use to the after feeling of doing it with Nash, but Cam made me feel more pain on a whole different level.
Nash came up a few short minutes later with: water, Advil, and a small amount of food from McDonald's.
I took the pill, ate, and Nash and I were just gonna relax, cuddle, and watch Netflix.
In the middle of our movie, so much guilt hit me. I'm praying Cam keeps his mouth shut until the timing is right.
Before I was knocked out I heard Nash talk about something between Alex and Hayes. I figured they would be just fine.

Matt's POV
Call me a party pooper, but during the party I started feeling really sick, so I went back up to Alex and I's room and fell asleep. I trusted Alex would be okay and the guys would keep their eyes on her. Bad move.
When I woke up my Twitter mentions were going crazy. I put my fingerprint in my phone and I saw it all.
Surely Hayes and Alex are really good friends, but this was too much. I honestly shouldn't hold it against her. It was just a kiss with her guy best friend. I've made a lot more mistakes than this.
I would forgive her the second I saw her. I guess it's kinda my fault I left her without a word and everything else. It was her I was worried about. She has never received this much hate, from what I can see.
I recognized the room they were in. It was a spare downstairs.
I sprinted down the stairs greeted with many people with hangovers who were very crabby.
They all were trying to act cool around me and like I was oblivious to the situation.
I told them my view on it, and they were very happy about how I'm not letting this ruin Alex and I.
Alex can't see this. She's already so insecure and when she see's all this hate and what people are saying about her, she'll leave...again and maybe never come back.
Cameron seemed very suspicious and almost guilty. It's not a party until the Cameron Alexander Dallas does something stupid. I'll figure out his deal later.
I did the only thing I could think of. I ran down to the spare bedroom and I had to destroy Alex's phone.
Sounds extreme, but I'll get her a new one in a few days when the guys, Elayna, and Lydia will help me control all of this so Alex never had to know.
Her and Hayes we're kinda cuddling, but nothing compared to our cuddle sessions. Alex looks so beautiful whenever she sleeps. I think she was having a bad dream because of her facial expressions and she looked like she was crying in her sleep before I arrived.
Oh how badly I wanted to wake her up, cuddle her into my side, and tell her it's gonna be okay, but I can't right now. I'll make her feel better later ;),
I saw the gold iPhone 6 right next to her on the night stand, charging. I will order another one, considering it is her perfect dream phone and she's almost more in love with it then she is with me, after I deal with this one.
I grabbed it and ran. As I was running out I begged the guys and Lydia to keep their mouth shut. They were also going to go and clear up Twitter by saying it was a dare, how she's perfectly happy with me, then talk about other stuff so the fans forget that.
I went outside. The bright sun was kinda irritating. Anyways I threw the phone at the bottom of Taylor's pool. She'll just think someone stole it or something. I'm getting her another one anyways.
By the time I got back in, Alex and Hayes were awake.
We were all leaving today, because of Taylor's tour. Alex was panicking about her phone. Shawn covered me and told her some guy tried to take it and he tried grabbing it but it dropped and broke. She thanked Shawn for trying but I could tell she was flustered cause Taylor spent money on it and that was like her third phone this year. I told her how I ordered another one.
She gave me a big kiss and said I didn't have to, but I said I wanted too.
No one mentioned the kiss she had with Hayes. I was appreciative of that.
We all had to go up to our rooms to pack. Alex quickly made sure Nash and Elayna were awake and packing.
Alex walked in and she stared "Listen Matt I am so, so sorry-" I cut her off with a kiss.
I told her how I totally forgave her with all my reasoning and telling her how much I love her, and you get the point.
We all were going to the airport at the same time.
The amazing thing is, Alex and I are going back to her house for part of break, and I'm excited but nervous to meet her mother and family.
I know about her dad dying when she was little and I can't even imagine that happening, but she has her uncle Casey as a father figure so it'll be like meeting both the parents.
Then the other half of break, we were going to my house to meet my family, pretty sure Alex was excited but nervous too.
Nash and Elayna were doing the same thing accept they are going to Nash's house first.
I personally think is gonna be hard for the girls not to see each other for a few weeks.
Anyways we were all done packing and met everyone down stairs. Taylor was getting all his goodbyes now cause he was staying here to start the tour. At least he left that bimbo Ashley.
He "bro" hugged all of us guys and briefly hugged Elayna and Lydia. Then he came to Alex. I know they were awkward, but they keep getting better and better. They just can't get too close.
Their hug was way more friendly. I honestly started to fake cough cause I didn't like it, whoops.
Before they let go he slipped a note in her pocket, barely noticeable. If I wasn't watching like a hawk, I would of never known. I'll figure that out later.
We all left the Caniff resident and piled into two cars, soon arriving to the airport.
Alex and I'd flight left first. We barely got there in time. We had to make the goodbyes fast.
I quickly hugged everyone. Then Alex quickly hugged everyone except she held onto Hayes a little longer, which I didn't mind, and I swear her and Elayna were about to cry up some rivers and never let each other go. They are like friendship goals to the max. They barely remember what it's like to be split up for more then a week.
We went off and boarded the plane, first class.
I've only been to Minnesota a few times for a couple of meet ups, but that's it.
Wow, this was really happening, I'm about to meet the love of my life's parents and everything else she knew before us guys.

Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. School has been so busy and I have been really sick a lot lately. I'll try as hard as I can to update a few more times a week. I hope you loved the chapter. Thanks Lovelies💕Comment, vote, like, and the usual👌

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