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i woke up sprawled out in bed in a different room. ciaran was laying on the floor he looked so peaceful

i didnt know how i was going to face matt but i guess we had to make up anyway. i got up and quickly put my jeans and top back on from yesterday so he didnt see me in ciarans clothes

i made robs bed and folded up ciarans shirt to give back to him and left the room like nothing happened.

i found matt sitting on the floor in the living room, he looked like he'd been crying

"ev!" he sounded relieved "oh my god i havent slept all night. im so sorry i was such an ass i forgot to tell tavia and i shouldnt have let her get that close to me"

"its ok, matt calm down. i forgive you. what you did was shitty and it hurt me but i know you didn't mean it"

"i didnt, i love you evanie im so sorry-"

"its ok" i smiled, pulling him in for a hug "you should really sleep though, not gonna lie matt you look like shit"

"why thank you evanie" he said sarcastically

i began to make coffee in the kitchen until ciaran came in


"hey" i replied

"hows things with matt?"

"he apologised for being a bitch, i accepted his apology. i think its safe to say we're good"


i sat down at the table with him, my coffee in my hand

"thank you though, for being there for me last night. i appreciate it"

"hey, its nothing. im always here, thats what friends are for" he smiled and reached for my hand.

"ohh whats going on here then?" joba intruded

"matt was being a bitch to ev last night so i had to-"

"oh yeah i saw him all over tavia last night, but then evanie left and he kicked tav out" this made me smile, he does still like you. tav has nothing on you, evanie

"he apologised for everything this morning, we're all good now, he was just drunk he didnt know what he was doing"

the boys were out shooting a music video for their new song so it was just me and ciaran at home, he stayed to record a song he's been working on by himself even though he didnt think it would make the album

"ev, come listen to this" he called from his room to mine. i sat down next to him and looked at the screen, the song was titled 'gemini'

he began to play it and oh my god this man's voice. he sang like an angel.

"fuck this is so good ciaran what the hell. i love it!" i squealed like a fangirl.

"yeah its alright i guess. i dont think the guys want it on the album, they said they prefer 'summer' and i can kinda see why"

"ooh whats summer?"

"you really wanna hear more?"

"yes. ciaran, play it!"

he found the file on the laptop and it began to play

in the heat of the summer

"fuck i think i have a new favourite member of brockhampton. sorry matt"

ciaran laughed

"thanks" i could tell he wasnt used to compliments

i really want to touch his hair, it looks so soft.



"what conditioner do you use?"

this was a kinda weird chapter lol

but evanie and ciaran are friends now hehe

evanie ~ ciarán mcdonaldWhere stories live. Discover now