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tw/ mention of self harm

"what you wanna do today babe" matt asked, his arm around me as we sat in the living room with ciaran, rob and ian

"i dont mind" i turned to face him and he smiled

"you're beautiful, you know" i giggled

"why thank you, mr champion. you're quite handsome too" he kissed my cheek

"ew!" ian squealed like a child, earning a laugh from roberto

"you're just jealous" i stuck my tongue out at ian and he put his middle finger up

"guys, come here ive been working on something" joba burst in

everyone crowded around his laptop as he played a beat that he had been working on with romil

"we were thinking matt on this part... and then bearface here..." it sounded really cool

"oh and i came up with an idea for a video, i dont know what song we should do it to yet though" kevin said

the boys were at the studio recording their song 'sugar'. for the music video kevin asked if me and matt could basically record a sex tape, obviously we both turned down the idea.

when they came back they showed me the song so far, it hadnt been finished yet but it was so good!

"do you love me, love me, love me
do you love me, love me, love me"

"oh my god ciaran its you again!"


"that was soo good, probably one of the best songs ive heard for the album so far" i also complimented them all individually

"thank you baby, i know you're my biggest fan" matt said pulling me into a hug.

"of course! also romil's" i grinned at him

"thankyou!" he smiled back "matt, have you told her yet?"

"told me what?" i asked

"so... we're going on tour next month... and we arranged for you to come with us!" i gasped

"oh my god! thank you so much!"

"dont thank me baby, thank jon, he organised it all"

i gave jon a hug and thanked him but that means even more time with ciaran...

i got ready to go to bed and checked my phone for the last time, then i saw i had some unread messages

Matt <3 (1)

i wont be back til tmrw staying at nicks w kevin doing album shit, gn x

Ciaran (2)

i saw ur thighs today pls talk to me, they look pretty recent

i know what its like, ok. im here for u ev, i dont wanna pressure u or anything but pls come talk to me, love u

evanie ~ ciarán mcdonaldWhere stories live. Discover now