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i've tried to avoid ciaran this week but it didnt work. he's still all i can think about. i love matt, he's done so much for me, but there's just something about ciaran

i was sitting in the kitchen, i borrowed matt's laptop so i could work since i left mine at home

"hey evanie, me and some of the guys are going to the beach later, we're shooting another music video and i was wondering if you wanna come with?" ian asked

"sure, im down" i smiled at him "who's going?"

"uh, me, matt, joba, romil, ashlan, hk... i think nick might be there too, oh and ciaran. we're shooting a video for rich boy"


"cool, count me in!"

fuck fuck fuck

"come on, you can all fit in there!" ian shouted from the passenger seat, romil was driving and i was in the back between ciaran and matt.

"its not that bad, i think ev's uncomfortable" ciaran chuckled his accent was so adorable

"damn right i am!"

"you can sit on my lap babe" matt said genuinely

"its ok, i'll survive"

i still tried to ignore ciaran as much as i could and talked to matt most the way there. that was until romil swerved and my stupid reflexes made my left hand grabbed onto ciarans right thigh for support.

"WHAT THE FUCK ROMIL?!" i yelled before looking at ciaran and whispering a sorry, which he nodded in reply to. he looked rather tense.

"sorry guys" romil laughed "we're here"

as we got out matt reached his hand out for me like a gentleman, he's so cute he's too good for you evanie.

the song they were recording the video was playing as they shot the music video

"just want a pocket full of cash!" matt sang along after jobas verse, not gonna lie this was a pretty good song, i cant wait for it to be released on spotify so i can add it to my playlist.

i sat with hk on a bench as the guys jumped about sang along

"ooohhhh its ciarans verse!" hk began hyping them up

"push upon me like a got a golden touch
and you talk to me baby like you know its worth it..." is this man real? wow.

i wont lie, his verse just hit different.

once they had finished everyone cheered them and started clapping. i ran to matt to give him a hug

"that was sick!" i grinned

"you liked it?"

"yes matt, i love everything you do"

"i think evanie liked ciarans verse, you guys should've seen her face" hk laughed  shut up hk!!

"oh really?" ciaran smirked at me

"dont get the wrong impression keyring im just not used to hearing you sound like.. that"

"i think ciarans verse is the best anyway" matt butted in, hands still on my waist

i need to get out of here

"matt im gonna go sit in the car, i've got a headache" i gave him a kiss before pulling away from him

"ok babe, text me if you need anything" i nodded and walked to the car which was parked pretty far away.

why did i feel like this?

i sat there by myself for what felt like forever but was only 20 minutes, until someone came and got in next to me

"you alright?" fuck off

"yeah just got a headache" i answered bluntly

"whatever you say" ciaran said, pulling out a cigarette

"you smoke?" i raised my eyebrows

"yep. you?" he put it between his lips and lit it

"i used to, ive stopped now. its not good for you, ciaran"

"oh so now you care about me?" i turned my head to face him

"what do you mean?"

"you've been ignoring me ev, it's made me feel like shit. i thought we were friends" he looked so hot when he smokes

"we are ciaran i just..."

"just what?"

i just need to spend less time with you because i have a boyfriend and i dont want to catch feelings for anyone else

"just had a bad few days" i said.

"why, what happened?"

"nothing really its just- i dont deserve matt, ciaran. i tell him but he doesn't listen, he doesnt listen to anything i say- i tried telling him about my past and he started asking me about tour dates and if i can join him?"

"im sorry, ev. he's just got a lot-"

"i know hes got a lot going on right now, he doesnt need me holding him back. he's better off without me ciaran. he should be with tavia or someone else, someone pretty, not me!" i cried

ciaran just looked at me like i was crazy or something

"evanie. you are amazing, ive only known you for like 2 weeks now? you're easily my favourite out of matt's girlfriends, you're so cool, ev. and you're beautiful, you are the prettiest girl i know, evanie, dont compare yourself to anybody... and tavia? she has nothing on you" ciaran moved closer to me so he could comfort me

"dont lie to me keyring" i giggled at the new nickname i gave him

"im not!"

i turned to face him and just smiled. there was something about him, he was different to matt. i felt like i could be myself around him. i felt myself getting lost in his eyes as he slowly leaned in. i know where this is leading.

his lips pressed against mine, giving me the gentlest yet most passionate kiss. i didnt like physical contact, it took a while to get used to matt touching me but with ciaran it almost seemed like it was meant to be. he gave me one more kiss before pulling away, realising what he had just done

"fuck, evanie that shouldn't have happened"

"i know" i said, watching him get out the car

"that didnt happen ok? you're dating matt, he would fucking kill me if he finds out"

evanie ~ ciarán mcdonaldWhere stories live. Discover now