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ciaran's pov

"oh there you are babe, i wondered where you went" matt said, coming out of the building and kissing evanie's cheek "ciaran, romil was asking for you by the way"

i nodded, put out my cigarette and went back inside, checking my phone on the way

clairo :)

yo u still free tn? x

bearface xD

no i gotta show remember??

clairo :)

oh ok

call me later <3


"there he is!" romil sounded relieved as i walked in

i was using claire almsot as a rebound, it was kinda shitty of me but i didn't know what to do after calling things off with evanie. i felt lost. and now i feel terrible for playing with her feelings. what the fuck am i doing?

"yeah sounds cool" i replied to romil, i didnt know what he said

but i tried to make it look like i cared about something.

evanie's pov

i stood leaning against the mirror, fixing my makeup for the show tonight. their final show. i couldn't wait to go back home, even if i did only share a small 2 bedroom flat with my older brother- my thoughts were interrupted when matt walked in. i cant explain the way he looked, ive never seen this emotion from him before, however i could tell he was upset

"why the fuck didnt you tell me?"


cliffhanger oop ;) alsoo sorry for the short chapters again </3

evanie ~ ciarán mcdonaldWhere stories live. Discover now