A/N before you read this you may have to go back and read the start of chapter 1, as you may have forgotten about the picture, until you read it again.
Niall's P.O.V
In the weeks that came, we didn't actually lose that many fans. I mean, we lost alot, but not as many as management were expecting. We carried on with the rest of the tour, having been told to keep PDA levels down when on stage, and we interacted with other band members of course, like before, narry, nouis, ziam, lilo, lirry, ziall and the rest; they were all just as strong as before, only addded jealousy. The stadiums and arenas we played in were still full to the brim, a few more seats empty than usual, but we still had loud amazing crowds, and supporitve banners. There were some horrible posters, but it's not like we haven't had them before anyway.
A couple of weeks ago, for Liam's birthday, I bought him tickets to Paris. That's where most of our drama started in the first place. We went back to the lake where we had our first kiss, forgetting the fact that it was also where Sophia had beaten me up, and stayed in the same hotel room. We would have seen more, if it weren't for fans who wanted to follow us around on our dates. I loved them but, wow, it was annoying.
So, yeah, things seem to be going okay, management didn't drop us, and they allowed me and Liam, and Louis and Harry to be together in public, though we often had to be with security gaurds.
I had just woken up to the smell of pancakes downstairs, and sunlight streaming in through the windows, but a presence was missing from my side. The fisrt thing I thought, was it's my birthday today.
Liam hasn't said anything about it the passed few days thought. I mean, it's not like he'd forget, our birthdays are so close together. I think him and the boys are planning something. I just don't know what. Probably a party. Seeing as I love parties, but I don't know. Tomorrow, I'm going to see my parents. I miss them so much, and I can't wait to see them. Although they were so annoyed when they found out about me and Liam without us telling them first. And to say I feel bad is an understatement.
I got up from my bed, cold hit me as I was shirtless, and into the kitchen where the delicious smell was comming from. Liam stood in his boxers, humming to himself as he tossed the pancake up in the air, and neatly caught it in the pan. "Yes!" He cried and I supressed a chuckle, leaning against the door frame.
He put the pancake on a plate and turned to put it on the table, when he saw me. "Hey baby, how long have you been there?"
"Long enough to see you flip the pancake and celebrate." I replied with a smirk, walking over and given him a hug, kissing his cheek.
"Have you been in the lounge?" He asked.
"Nope." I replied, curiously, why.
Liam smiled and took my hand, dragging me from the kitchen.
"Hey, what about the food." I protested, but he'd already dragged me into the lounge.
He pointed to the sofa, and there, curled up on a blanket, was a tiny litter black and white springer spaniel puppy. I gaped as I stared down at the perfect little dog.
"Liam." I whispered.
"Happy Birthday baby." He wispered, wrapping his arms around me from behind me. I watched the puppy sleep as I tried to think of a name.
"Is it a boy or a girl?" I asked walking over to it.
"Little boy." Liam replied.
I sat on the sofa beside him and gently stroked him. "He's so cute." I whispered as he rolled over on his back. "He's really warm." I said rubbing his stomach.
I'd always secretly wanted a dog. I'd drop hints a few times, but I wasn't really serious.
"Jumble." I said, "We should call him Jumble."
"Or rumble, like your stomach." Liam said. I smiled and pushed him gently, "Jumble's a cute name."
I smiled, as Jumble opened his warm eyes and looked up at me. His eyes reminded me of Liam. I smiled and stroked his head, "Hello Jumble." I said, and he gently licked my hand.
I turned to my amazing boyfriend and smiled, "Thank you, so much Liam." I said. He smiled and pecked my lips.
"Hey, go have your pancake before it's cold. Let him sleep." I smiled and went to have my pancake. I was surprised when Liam didn't follow. Maybe he was putting clothes on or something.
When I had finished I put my plate in the sink and went to put a top on, but Liam wasn't there.
"LIAM?" I called looking around all of upstairs. He must be in the lounge. "Liam!?" I called looking around. But the only life in there was Jumble snoozing. Maybe he went in the kitchen when I was upstairs. I opened the door slowly, "Liam?"
"SURPRISE!" Louis, Harry, Zayn and Liam yelled. On the tabel was a load of Nando's and various other things.
I smiled, "Guys!"
"Oh, and Niall, here's another present babe." Liam said handing me a carefully wrapped flattish rectangle. It felt like a photo frame.
"Liam, you already got me a dog." I said.
"Trust, me, this was nothing." Liam said, "Open it." He said, kissing my cheek.
I wripped open the paper, and yes, it was a photo frame. My eyes widened as I saw the picture inside. It was me and Liam, how we'd gone from the X-factor to now. The one I was looking at in the hotel, when all this drama started. I had hid it under the pillow. And here it was!
"L-Liam!" I said, "Where did you find this?"
"Under the pillow in the hotel room we were meant to be in. I guessed you left it there?" He said. I nodded.
"I completely forgot about it." I said, placing on the worktop in the kitchen for now.
"Come on guys, let's eat." Louis said.
I had already had a pancake, but wow, I was hungry. I ate more than anyone, not that that was anything out of the ordinary. We ate in the kitchen, then went to the lounge. Liam got out a dog bed and some dog balls for Jumble, which he'd hidden in the shed. Jumble was way to young to play with a ball though, it would probably squash him, even thought they're only small.
Jumble did wake up and start sniffing everyone, and took a particular liking to Louis, which annoyed me, because he was mine and Liam's dog.
It was my first birthday in a while where we hadn't gone to a bar. But for once, I didn't want to. I could never be happier than in this moment, with my best friends, boyfriend and dog.
Later that night Larry and Zayn decided to sleep over. Much to my annoyance. I loved them, really I did, but iwanted to spend the evening with Liam.
Before we got to sleep, I snapped a picture of Jumble, to put on twitter.
Meet Jumble, the new addition to the Horayne family, night guys, thanks for my brithday wishes, love you all XXX
I put the photo of me and Liam on my bedside table and snuggled into Liam's side. "Good night Liam, I love you, thank so much for today, you really didn't have to get me a dog." I said. Jumble was laying on the end of the bed. I just hope we don't accidently kick him off.
"It's okay baby." Liam said, kissing my forehead, "I wanted to. I love you too Ni." He whispered, and we both drifted to sleep.
Sooo, this is the final chapter, I hoped you enjoyed this book, because I loved writing it. Even though it was very very cheesy.
Please vote and comment and the epilogue should be up soon.
There will be no sequal, but I have plenty of other story ideas.
Love you all
Pic of jumble on the side (sorry he's a bit stretched)

Beyond My control (niam horayne) (boyxboy)
Fanfiction(I wrote this when I was 13 and it's my first fic so ur allowed to laugh and cringe lmao) Niall is truly madly deeply in love with his best friend and bandmate, Liam Payne. Liam is apparently oblivious to his feelings. And when liam's girlfriend jo...