Liam's P.O.V (IKR, A Liam P.O.V at last :D)
I woke up with my hands wrapped around Sophia, and cringed, my hands itchy. I pulled away from Sophia and shook my hands, turning over and facing the door. I glanced at the bedside table to see the time 8:27am. Then, my eyes moved to a piece of paper, placed sideways on the table. I turned my head to read it and frowned.
Hey, Li, I went for a walk last night, and if I'm not back, I probs fell asleep again. Love Ni XX
My heart lept at the two kisses he put at the end, and smiled. I got up , leaving Sophia in bed and walked to Niall and Zayn's room. My smile fell when I thought of Zayn, and my whole mood dropped. Why should Zayn be with Niall. My Niall. Well, he's not my Niall and never will be.
Quietly, I opened the hotel room door, which was surprisingly unlocked, and went in. Zayn was in the bed at the far end, but no Niall. I frowned. He must have fallen asleep.
I walked out the room, and went into mine to get changed, before leaving the hotel, and to one of the cars, management gave us. They didn't want us to use our normal cars, because fans often chased us.
I guessed Niall would be at the lake and drove there. Me and Sophia were going to the lake yeasterday to 'romantically' watch the sunset, and we were looking for Niall on our way. I was so glad when I found him, but he looked like he had been crying which worried me.
Eventually, I arrived at the lake, and got out the car, running towards the lake. I made out a body lying by a tree and ran to it, but stopped in my tracks about 3 metres away. There was Niall, my beautiful little leprechaun, lying there, red bloddy looking patch on the back of his head, red raw cheek as though someone had slapped him. My heart broke. Who had done this, to him?
Recovering from my shock, I dashed over to his side, pulling my phone out my pocket to call and ambulance, as I took Niall's wrist and felt his pulse. It was weak, but it was there, slow, but evident.
I called for an ambulance and they said they would be here as soon as possible. I looked down at Niall, brushing stray hair from his face. What if he knew he would get beaten up? What if he was told to come here? Or maybe he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
"Oh my God Ni, please be ok." I whispered, holding his hand tightly, as I heard ambulance sirens in the distance.
3 doctors/nurses came out and ran towards me and Niall with a stretcher. I saw the ambulance parked at the side of the road a couple of metres away since, you can't really get any closer in a vierchle. I stood out the way so they could get Niall on the stretcher.
"Would you like to come with him in the ambulance Mr Payne?" One of them asked me.
I almost asked how he knew my name, but then I remembered we were in a world-famous boyband. I nodded at him and followed Niall on the stretcher to the ambulance. I got in the ambulance and sat on the chair next to Niall's lifeless body and held his hand.
Oh, Niall, please be alright.
I'm sorry it's so short, but I need to got to bed now (according to my mum) Hopefully the next one will be longer!

Beyond My control (niam horayne) (boyxboy)
Fanfiction(I wrote this when I was 13 and it's my first fic so ur allowed to laugh and cringe lmao) Niall is truly madly deeply in love with his best friend and bandmate, Liam Payne. Liam is apparently oblivious to his feelings. And when liam's girlfriend jo...