We got back to the hotel around 11 o'clock at night, and as tired as I was I had work to do. Once Zayn was asleep, which wasn't that long after we got back, I took out my Ipad to buy some plane tickets. I had to leave, I can't stay here, while people are asking Liam about the engagement. The fans must know by now, that I fancied Liam, after favouriting that tweet, and fainting in the interview. Niam shippers must be going crazy!
I bought plane tickets for a flight to London tonight at 12:30AM, before I began to pack my suitcase, stuffing my clothes and wash kit in, before zipping it up. Zayn breathed heavily in his sleep and I looked up at him sadly. Zayn was really helpful during this, but I had had enough, they can do the rest of the tour without me.
I found a scrap piece of paper and scrawled a quick message for Liam.
My dearest Liam,
Meeting you was fate,
Becomming your friend was a choice,
But falling in love with you was beyond my control,
and for this I'm sorry, I truly am,
So I'm leaving now, it'll be better, for all of us,
I'm sorry,
Sincerely, Niall
I cried as I wrote this note, hating how I put 'sincerely' instead of 'love' at the end. I didn't want to leave, but I didn't want to stay either. Quietly, so as not to wake Zayn (though he is a heavy sleeper anyway), I crept out the room and into Liam's. He was fast asleep, with Sophia snuggled into his chest, making me cry even more, as I placed the note on his bedside table.
"I love you Liam." I whispered, before walking away.
As I left the hotel, there were still a few fans, but they were all asleep. I called a taxi to drive me to the airport, and hoped the driver wouldn't recognise me. It didn't take long for the taxi to arrive. I told them where I wanted to go and they drove me there, not seeming to care who I was or why it was so late at night.
As we neared the airport, I could see planes taking off and landing. I glanced at the time; 11:48. Enough time to get on the plane. As we arrived I paid the driver, before running off to the plane, getting my suitcase on the baggage lane
(A/N, I've never actually been on a plane so I'm not entirely sure what happens so let's skip a tad)
I walked on to the plane, in a way excited, because I was nearly there, nearly out of France, and back in London. By now, I had an idea of where to go. It was my best possibility.
The plane took off, popping my ears. I always hated that about planes, but Liam was usually there to comfort me when it happened. I sighed. I shouldn't be thinking of Liam immediately as I was leaving. I looked out the window, watching as the ground below got further and further away. Bye Liam. Bye boys.
I must have fallen asleep, because I awoke when my ears popped, so I guessed we were landing. Eventually we landed with a bump, and it wasn't long before I got off the plane, into Heathrow Airport (A/N This is London's airport)
I had to call a taxi to take me where I was going. I didn't ask it to stop where I was going though, but at a park nearby. He seemed clueless to who I am, thank goodness, and I paid him, when we arrived at the park.
I got out and looked at the sight infront of me. Even theough it was pitch black, I could tell it hadn't changed, from what it always used to be. I remember how it was always deserted and the swings we the only safe thing to go on. The climbing frame and slide was shabby, wtih half the floor missing, and the round-about was in a desperate need of some oil. One of the seats on the sea-saw had come off, probably pulled off by some stupid teenages. There was also a small sandpit, but you wouldn't know, if you weren't told, because all the sand, over time, had gone, and it was now just a hole in the ground. Beside this park was a field, green and fresh, completely different to the ruins of the park.
Me and Liam always walked down here and sat on the swings. No-one ever came to the park, so we hardly ever got bombarded by fans. We'd just perch on the swing seats and talk about a load of nothing, wasting time away. The park had always been pretty deserted and ruined, but the see-saw used to be intact and the sand pit still had some sand in it. Day by day it seemed to get worse, but for me and Liam it just felt like our place.
Sighing I walked away from it, down the road. My feet knew where they were going, and they were getting excited at the thought, which was crazy, because it wasn't that exciting, and we'd been there a million times. All the same, they sped up, making me run towards the place that was so much more like home, than my house will ever be. The road was also deserted, my footsteps echoing through the road as I ran, bouncing off the house walls and the road below me. My feet halted to a stop as I came to where I wanted to be. On the corner of the road, the semi-detached house stood tall, the gate leaving a path behind it. There would usually be fans here, but they all thought that we were in France, and it was the middled of the night. My eyes were very adjusted to the light, and the street lights shone down on the street as I looked up at the house.
Not just any house, but Liam's house. I fumbled for my keys from my pocket, and found the large bunch, pulling them out. I found the correct key and walked towards the gate. I always used to come to Liam's house, so in the end, we just got another key cut for me. The gate creaked open slightly, and I prayed no-one had heard it. Shutting it gently, I made my way down the path to the front door. I placed the key into the lock and opened the door. It wouldn't open, but I knew why. The fans always sent mail to us, when they knew where we lived and it had now built up, since we had been away. With a shove, I managed to open the door enough for me to squeeze through, before I shut it behind me.
The house was slient, except for the clocks ticking out of time to eachother. I sighed. I made it. I laid my head back on the door, smiling slightly. Now, I was in Liam's house, and no-one would find me here. No-one except Liam.
OMG, I nearly have 1000 reads! I'M SO HAPPY! I loved writing this chapter so much, I really love describing things like that park (Though that wasn't the best description ever, but it was still fun)
So Niall went to Liam's house!!!
I hope you enjoyed this, please vote and comment, because, I just love reading the amazing comments, and I can't believe the votes I'm getting on this story.
Love you all!

Beyond My control (niam horayne) (boyxboy)
Fanfiction(I wrote this when I was 13 and it's my first fic so ur allowed to laugh and cringe lmao) Niall is truly madly deeply in love with his best friend and bandmate, Liam Payne. Liam is apparently oblivious to his feelings. And when liam's girlfriend jo...