Niall's P.O.V
we were all on edge as we sat around aiting to go on stage for the concert. I was pacing around the room, Louis was tapping his fingers against his leg, liam's legs were bouncing up and down, Harry kept moving. even Zayn was a little nervous and he wasn't even announcing anything.
tonight was the concert we were going to come out in. Of course, management didn't know, they're going to kill us. but me and Liam needed to come out to get Sophia off our backs, and we couldn't come out without Larry.
We are pretty sure we are about to lose our management and a tonn of fans, but we didn't have a choice, what with the pressure of Sophia and he evidence.
"Ni, babe, stop moving about honey, you're stressing us even more." Liam said, beckoning me to sit on his lap.
I sighed, and sat down on his lap, cuddling into his chest. "What if everyone starts booing or something?" I asked.
"They won't Ni." Liam replied, and i hoped he was right.
It was our last Germany concert before doing the UK tours, and then we have a break. I think there's about 7 tours left.
Eventually we were on stage, jumping around and singing like always, getting ready for the announcement just before the final song. My fear had now turned to excitement. The fans should be fine with it. It's management we need worry about. We tried to forget about what we were going to do, and sang our hearts out to fans who sang back. Louis and Harry were loving it, they made so many larry moments, and me and Li did our best for Niam moments. Poor Zayn must have been a bit lonely.
Then, the time came. We were about to start our final song. But Liam began;
"Now, before our last song, we have a couple of huge announcements. Well, mot so much Zayn. I think we should let Louis and Harry go first." He said, looking over at them, before walking over to me and wrapping an arm around my waist. I did my best to calm my pounding heart, and watched as Louis took hold of Harry's hand, earning the loudest screams I've ever heard from the fans."Me and Harry are together." Louis announced smiling as fans yelled Larry. Then a chant erupted.
"Larry larry larry." We were all smiling widely now, but Louis and Harry were the happiest people in the world. Louis turned to Harry and kissed him. It wasn't a long kiss, but it wasn't short either.
I was certain I was going to go deaf with the amount of screams in the room.
"Me and harry have been dating since day one and we went against management's orders to do this today, but we're rebels!" Louis said holding Harry tightly, "Now over to Liam.
I watched as Liam put the microphone to his mouth. Fans were screaming, maybe because they'd realised what we were going to say.
"Shhhhh" Liam said into the microphone, and it suddenly went silent. "Me and Niall are also together." Liam paused and waited for the screams to die down before he spoke again . "We had to come out today, because Sophia found out I was with Niall and was going to post evidence. Before you call me a cheat and all that, Sophia has cheated on me multiple times and I will post the evidence of one incident later. But right now,"
He turned to me with a happy smile plastered on his face. "I love you." I murmured, staring up at him.
Liam smiled, "I love you too." He replied and kissed me. It was amazing, the atmosphere when we kissed, the squeals and exclamations of Niam ringing put in the arena. It was the most perfect thing in the world, and I love it.
Hiiiiiii! So so so so so so sorry it took me sooo long to update. I had a rather busy christmas and we've just come back to school! I hope you all had a great christmas and new year!
On a sad note though, only 2 more chapters and an epilogue to go! :c
I have loved writing this. You guys are so amazing. Hopefully I will update sooner for the next chapter.
So the fans seem to be okay with niam n larry, but what about management?!
Love you all!! Please vote and comment!!

Beyond My control (niam horayne) (boyxboy)
Fanfic(I wrote this when I was 13 and it's my first fic so ur allowed to laugh and cringe lmao) Niall is truly madly deeply in love with his best friend and bandmate, Liam Payne. Liam is apparently oblivious to his feelings. And when liam's girlfriend jo...