A/N Can I just say before this chapter starts, that I have NOTHING against Sophia, I'm sure she is a lovely girl in real life and I'm sure she treats Liam and the other boys very well, and I understand she probably loves Liam for more than his money, but for who he is!
Liam's P.O.V (Yay, Liam P.O.V)
I woke up with Sophia in my arms and grimaced. My arms wrapped around her waist felt wrong, and sent shivers down my back. Not like the ones Niall gives me, the good kind, no, Sophia makes me feel horrible, itchy and irritated. I feel terrible for what I am doing with Sophia, stringing her along, because, I, Liam James Payne, am in love with Niall James Horan.
So you may wonder, why don't I just dump her and date Niall? Well, I never actually thought Niall would like me back, until Zayn told me he and Niall wouldn't attend me and Sophia's wedding. And that kiss. That amazing kiss. But it shouldn't have happened. I couldn't tell Sophia obviously, I can't lie and say Niall started it, because I know I did, I cheated on my fiance, I mean, how bad does that sound. And the problem is, however much I try, I don't regret the kiss. I don't regret fancying Niall.
I reached over the sleeping woman beside me to pick up my phone to look at the time. As I was fumbling about, my hands came across a piece of paper, curled slightly at the edges. Strange, I don't remember a piece of paper here. I took it in my hand and pulled it towards me. It was a small square peice of paper about 5 by 5cm. I frowned, in the dimlight making out dark lines where I assumed words are. Pulling away from Sophia, I climbed off the bed and towards the curtains. Taking back the curtains, the rising sunlight filled part of the room, lighting up the words on the paper:
My dearest Liam,
Meeting you was fate,
Becomming your friend was a choice,
But falling in love with you was beyond my control,
and for this I'm sorry, I truly am,
So I'm leaving now, it'll be better, for all of us,
I'm sorry,
Sincerely, Niall
My eyes blurred as I re-read the scrawled words on the paper. Niall can't leave, who am I supposed to stare at every 2 seconds? Who am I supposed to flirt with on stage at concerts? Who will I cuddle at night (besides Sophia)? Who will watch movies with me and have popcorn fights? Of course, I could do that with the other lads, but it wouldn't be the same. Only Niall could bring a spark of life into those activities, only Niall, and now, I made him run away.
Forgetting entirely about the sleeping Sophia, I ran out of my room to Zayn and Niall's room. Only, Niall wasn't in there, and neither was any of his stuff. Zayn was fast asleep, as you would expect from such a heavy sleeper, oblivious to the fact my little leprechaun has run away.
"ZAYN!" I rushed over to him, and shook him awake, "Zayn, wake up, NIALL'S GONE!" I yelled.
At the last two words, Zayn's eyes shot open, and he sat up, a look of panic on his face. "Gone? Where?"
"You tell me." I replied, slamming the small piece of paper in his chest. He read it hurridly, then looked up at me with tears in his eyes. For a moment he looked sad, but then he flared into anger.
"This is YOUR fault!" He yelled, flinging the bed covers aside as he leapt from the bed towards me. I stumbled backwards, hitting the wall, "You IDIOT Liam, Niall ran away because YOU rejected him. Niall is GONE because of you." He spat, pushing me further into the wall.

Beyond My control (niam horayne) (boyxboy)
Fanfiction(I wrote this when I was 13 and it's my first fic so ur allowed to laugh and cringe lmao) Niall is truly madly deeply in love with his best friend and bandmate, Liam Payne. Liam is apparently oblivious to his feelings. And when liam's girlfriend jo...