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So guys I decided to update because I just read a book and the last chapter wasn't even finishing off the story so I understood how you guys may or may not feel when I don't update weekly -BECAUSE ITS BEEN FRICKING 2 / 3 MONTHS WOAHHHH- so now I will update every Wednesday and Friday♡
This is a summary and confession chapter about "HIM"


So you know how I said I never had a boyfriend? Well I kind of lied...I mean I don't class him as my first boyfriend or a boyfriend at all after what he did to me...


I was in Product design with Jason and Sarah; next was lunch so you know what that means (In the janitors closet) I decided to fall asleep because what is finding the history of wood going to do to help me in my future career as a designer?

I slowly shut my eyes and fell into a deep sleep...
"Come back here you bitch!" Daniel shouted while grabbing my wrist giving me a painful burning feeling, "get off me you fucking rapist!" I screamed at him. I gave him my infamous death glare and stared him down until he was on his knees - literally. How could he do this to me? We were having fun together and being cute when he pounced on me against my will. I realised what he was about to do so I pushed him off and ran away as fast as I possibly could. I knew he had a history but not this kind of history! I should have double checked with Stephen about his earlier life before dating him. I was so blinded by my childish feelings that I couldn't see I was in a controlling and violent relationship.
He had even gotten me high on drugs and extremely drunk then had s*x with me without my intentions or PROTECTION. I didn't  know anything about it until pictures of me in only my embarrassing bunny underwear were posted on Facebook. That was in my freshman year of high school; aka the worst year of my life!  I got pregnant then had a miscarriage unfortunately,  I forgave Daniel too many times and had to get away from him! He would have been a terrible dad anyway. I was blinded by this thing they call "love" I didn't realise what was happening to me during this horrible life experience.
I finally got away from Daniel by moving to Seattle with my family, I do miss Washington and my old friends but I had to get away from 'HIM.' At least now I have better people around me, like Jason and Sarah!


"Class is dismissed students!" I heard the teacher say from afar. I yawned, rubbed my eyes, got up and collected up my books and equipment. I met Jason and Sarah outside the classroom and greeted them both, "Bye girl, good luck!" What does Sarah mean? Sarah winked at me and left me alone with Daniel, he awkwardly smiled at me then said "Off to the janitors closet my lady!" He linked arms with me giving me a glowing smile then we walked away to the janitors room thingy...


Hey y'all I was bored and wrote this chapter about Hailey's horrific past to bring more drama into her life. This book will be on hold for a while but I will still be writing just not publishing the chapters for quite a bit! I have a lot of ideas to bring a bit of action into Hailey's friendships/relationships. Damn I can't wait to publish those chapters! Anyways bye readers♡

-Peace out Aliens love youse

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