The Manhattan Deal

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I headed home after my run in with that cocky Manhattan boy. I could tell my nose was broken and if I didn't get back to the lodge before Hotshot he would insist that I was hurt and force me to get babied all day. If there's one thing I hated doing it was saying I was hurt. Plus this was a broken nose Newsies got them all the time and I was no different.

I walked up the street and ducked into the alley. I knew the shortcuts back to the lodge were a dangerous walk but I didn't care. I needed to get there fast. Plus everyone fucking knew me. They wouldn't fuck with me in broad daylight.

I made my way back to the lodge. I opened the door and took in the smell of old wood that filled my nose. I loved the way the lodge smelt. I knew it wasn't the best smell to other people but to me it meant I was home. I walked up the stairs, trying to avoid the creaky ones just incase Hot was already home.

Once I was in my room I set my own nose back in place. I grabbed a cloth and caught the blood that spilled down. I didn't fucking care about bandaging it. That meant having to admit that I was hurt. No fucking Manhattan Newsie was going to hurt me. It was just a broken nose.

I heard someone come in and knew it was Hotshot. The way his steps made a direct line for my room told me that whatever he had to say was Important. I shoved all the bloody cloths under my blanket and waited for him to open the door.


"Boss!" Hotshot yelled as he slammed my door into the wall.

"Careful!" I yelled.

Hotshot looked at me and cocked his head to the side.

"What happened to you?"

"Some Manhattan dick fuck had the nerve to punch me in the face. I didn't think you could tell."

"Spot ypu have two black eyes!" He yelled, "Wait... Is this kid alive still?"

I chuckled at Hotshot and stood up.

"So what was all this comotion about?" I asked. I stood up and crossed my arms across my chest to keep myself closed off even more from Hotshot's prying self.

"Oh! Manhattan has asked to meet with Brooklyn."

"Kelly? What does he want with Brooklyn?"

"Apprently they are struggling to bring in enough money to afford coats," Hotshot said. He stood up straighter when he talked about important things.

"And what does that have to do with Brooklyn?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Kelly was hoping he could send a few guys over or something? He said we could get more of the details is we agree to the meeting."

"No." It was a quick and short answer. I had a longer one but didn't feel that I needed to explain myself to Hot.

"Boss..." He started. It was clear that he was thinking about the best approch to this matter with me. "The littles don't have coats."

I sucked my teeth. All of the Brooklyn newsies knew I was soft for the littles. I loved little kids.

"Fine." Another short answer with so explination. This time because I didn't need to. Hotshot knew why I said yes. He dissappeared out the door before I could say anything else anyways.

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