A Far too Friendly Stranger

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"Why so sad pretty boy~?" I heard him snear. As the words came out of his mouth I felt the hair on the back of my neck.
I turn on my heels and looked up to meet the gaze of the taller boy.
I Promised myself we would never be alone together after what happened last time. Even just looking at him still brought the thoughts back. I tried to keep my face calm but every thought was displayed across my face.
"Nervous~?" He asked with a smirk. I hated that dumb smirk of his. In fact I hated everything about him. I didn't know what to do but I did know that every second I stood there frozen was another second that I put myself in more danger.
I turned quick enough to give me whiplash and started runing agian. My lungs started burning. I knew that feeling. I was having an asthma attack. I was just thanking my lucky stars that this didn't happen before.
I rounded a corner and started runing back toward brooklyn. Maybe, just maybe Spot could forgive me long enough to save my ass from Morr- him.
I turned another corner and felt a hand grab my arm. I stopped suddenly and felt the wind get knocked out of my lungs. Morris snarled and pulled me into an alley way.
"You little bitch," he spat, "I don't like runners. I enjoy this a lot more when you do as I tell you!" he sneared with a sickening smirk plastered across his face.
I was too scared to even blink. I've been here before. Too many times to count. I knew what came next. Morris came in closer and pinned me agianst the brick. I felt my legs go weak. This was it. I screwed my eyes closed tight as I prepared to just accept my fate and give in to what Morris wanted. I felt his hand trailing down to my crotch and my ears started ringing, and my lungs began to hurt agin. Now I was having an anxiety attack. He brushed his hand aginst my dick and I felt a lump grow in my throat. Then it all stopped. I heard fighting.
I opened my eyes and saw one of the bronx boys called Winky throwing Morris aginst the walls and punching the shit out of him.
I took that time to gain some strenth and push myself off the wall and ran off agin. I started to run again. I ran out of the alley and heard Morris running after me. Now I HAD to get to Brooklyn. Morris deffently wouldn't give up if he caught me now.
I felt my chest tighten again and tears started to form from the pain running was causing. However, I was more determined then ever to get safe before I stopped. 
I saw the lodge come into view but black dots started to flicker in front of my eyes. I felt my steps get slower as I started to pass out. Thankfull I heard Morris' footsteps stop. I heard him turn around and run like the wind. I reached out as far as I could as a passed out to try to catch myself. I was no use. I passed out having no idea if I'd ever wake up.

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