Oh Fuck. What Have I Done

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Jack had the nerve to wait until after we got back from our trip to Brooklyn, which I didn't want to go on anyway, to tell me that Albert and I were the newsies he planed to give to Brooklyn. Jack even knew I was the one that punched Spot. He told me to suck it up because I was going. Like it or not.

I looked at Albert over my duffle bag and made a nasty face. Jack was rambling on and on about what being in Brooklyn would do for us. Albert and I didn't care. We were just happy to be together agian.

Albert and I have been dating for about three months now and we were attached at the hip. The only time I'm ever away from him is to sell. Jack calls us "The Honey-mooners". I like that description. Albert and I were very attached and I've thought about being with him forever.

Albert was trying not to laugh at my faces. We giggled back and forth and completly ignored Jack. We were packing for tomorrow morning. As soon as the morning bell rings Jack is shipping Albert and I off to Brooklyn. I can't say I'm not excited. Brooklyn is by far the richest branch of newsies. I don't feel like I needed this but Jack insits it's for the littles.

I finished packing my small amount of shit and threw my duffle bag on to the floor. I reached my hand over to Alberts and held it. He smiled his gentle smile at me. I kissed his cheek and moved to sit on my bed. I looked up at the stars and smiled. The stars instantly calmed me. I looked at my favorite constaltions. I took so long to try to memorize all of the constilations that I could.

I loved the way they looked. Something about them just calmed me down. And they obviously looked so pretty. I could stare at the starts for hours.

I felt someone lay in bed net so me. I felt them wrapp their arms around my waist and pulled me in by the waist.

"Hi Albie..." I whispered and pushed myself agianst him.

"Mmph" was all I got in return. That meant Albert was sleepy. It wasn't even three minutes before I heard snores coming from my lover next to me. Slowly, I drifted off as well.


Early the next morning Jack woke us up even before the morning bell rung. It was actually hell to be up this early. Albert and I shuffled around to get dressed. We both looked dead.

I threw on a shirt, failing to put my hands through the right holes. I tore it off and tried agian, getting it right this time. I hapaserdly threw on my button up and tried to button it. My fingers wouldnt seemed to work so I gave up. I left it unbuttoned and called it good.

Albert finished getting dressed and hugged me from behind. He out his chin on my shoulder. I flashed him a lazy smile. He leaned in and kissed me softly. Kissing Albert always felt so good. It was like I was being lifted into the clouds. He was always so gentle and kind when he touched me. Even a casual hand grab meant the world between us.

As we kissed Jack groaned and hit us both on the head.

"You two have to get going!" he yelled in a hushed whisper.

I rolled my eyes and started to shuffle out of the lodging house. I grabbed Albert's hand and dragged him behind me. We started on our journy to Brooklyn. It was odd to know that I wouldn't be getting Papers from Weasle for a while. I wasn't exactly coming to terms with this. I didn't want to be in Brooklyn, I didn't want to have to confront Spot, and I deffinetly did not want to put up with his attitude.

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