He... He kissed me?

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I laid there underneath Race, fighting for my life aginst the grip of the dumb blonde that had me pinned to the floor. I can't beleive he won. I'm the fucking king of brooklyn. He's not supposed to be stronger than me! I looked up at him and gave him my scariest stare I could muster up. His stupid smirk didn't faulter for a moment. He was too cocky for his own good. He was going to get himself hurt one way or another with that. It was dumb to talk to me like that but I can see him trying to talk to one of the scabs like that and getting his shit rocked. Hopefully he was smarter then that. he tunted me over and over and over and eventually I went off on him. I cussed out and told him off.
I looked up at him expecting him to finally get off of me but instead he got... closer? Then closer. Before I was even sure what was going on he connected out lips and kissed me. I was too stund to even try to kiss back, but it didn't matter. Before I got over it he pulled away and ran out the door. I mean what did he expect? His boyfriend was in the room with us. Not to mention the fact that he had a boyfriend to begin with.
Racetrack was out the door and running dow the street with Albert on his tail before I could do anything. It didn't matter. I needed to think. I wasn't gay. I don't know what I did to make him think I was but I'm not. I don't mind that he is but Albert probably wasn't to happy with his lover after what he did and I don't balme him what so ever. If I had a boyfriend, not that I ever would becuase I am not gay, I probably wouldn't be too keen with him kissing other guys. Agian, not that I gay.

After about 15 minutes I realized I was still on the floor where Race left me and I finally sat up. Just as I did Albert came in and flopped on the bed. He was panting hard so I'm assuming Racetrack got away.

"He... He's to fast," he huffed through his deep breaths.

"Yeah, I thought so," I retorted with a sly smile. That earned me a glare.

"So you're on his side then?!" Albert acusesed.

I shrugged. "I'm not on a side," I clarified, "I just know he runs fast. He's the second for a reason." That seemed to get Albert back.


We sat in silence for a little while. It was obvious we were both thinking over and over what had happened. I don't thing either of us really knew what to think, or do. We sat in silence for quite a while. I was worried we might never talk agian. I heard Albert draw in a breath, hopefully going to break the silence. The words got caught in his throat, I could tell. When he finally released the breath it was shakey.

I sat up and placed my hand on Albert's knee. "Are you okay?" I aksed gently.

He shook his head as tears pooled in his eyes. I sighed and moved up to sit next to him. I could tell he was upset but there was nothing I could do about it. Race kissed me. I had no part in it. I drew in a breath to try to comfort him a bit when we both heard a loud thump. We shared the same look and ran outside. We both knew Race was that noise. There was no disputing it. Albert ran to Race's side and I saw him cradle his head in his hands. I saw a pool of blood flow around Races head and ran back inside.

I desperatly searched the bathroom for some bandages. Brooklyn was well known for having the best first aid supplies so I wasn't worried about there not being any. Once I found the gauze wrap I ran back outside and started to bandage him up. As I was bandaging him I noticed just how bad the gash was. He would need stitches. That could wait for better conditions though. For now I just wanted to get Race somewhere a bit cleaner so I could disinfect his cut. I nodded to Albert and he picked him up and carried him inside.

He set Race on the bed and backed away. I removed the bandages and started to clean his cut. Even unconsious I could have sworn his eyebrows furrowed. Once I had finished I began to sterilize the needle. I gave him three stitches and put the gauze bandage back on. I stepped away from him and sat on the ground next to Albert.

Albert was picking at his nails. I could tell he was scared. I paced h=me hand on his to stop him.

"He'll be okay," I whispered in a mater of fact voice. He nodded and laid his head on my chest. I felt my chest tighten. My head also got a bit foggy. I couldn't explain it. I slowly wrapped my arm around his waist. We sat there in silence for hours, just waiting for Race tp wake up.

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