Seidou Pre-Game

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"Furuya are you ready?" Eijun questioned, looking at the taller first  year. 

"Mmm." The black haired boy muttered incomprehensibly. Eijun sighed.

"You know, you could be a little more excited. This is our first official match on the first-string!" Eijun exclaimed pumping his fist.

"Wha- Didn't you already play in a game though?" Furuya asked quietly, the stark opposite to Eijun's energy in the morning light.

"Well... Yeah," Eijun wheedled, "But it didn't count! It was just a try out!" He whirled and pointed his finger at Furuya. "Now that we're officially on the team, the games count!" He grinned, his whole face lighting up. "Besides, it definitely feels better to not be the only first year on the first string. We're in this together Furuya! So get used to seeing me a lot more often!" Eijun exclaimed.

"Hm... Okay, I guess." The taller boy fidgeted. "If that's the case, then call me Satoru." He looked Eijun in the eyes, and Eijun could see a fragile bit of hope lingering in his eyes.

"Sure! Call me Eijun then!" He grabbed Satoru's left hand gently with his right. "Let's make a promise then!" Eijun, hooked their pinkies together. "No matter how much we compete with each other, no matter how rough it gets, let's be great friends Satoru!" Eijun's eyes closed into a wide smile, the grin stretching cheek to cheek.

And because his eyes were closed, he did not see the way the taller boy's cheeks pinkened with a blush, nor the way determination set in his eyes. After all Eijun was like the sun, and just like the sun he had the gravity to pull planets (or in this case people) into his orbit.


"Ne, Miyuki." Youichi prodded at the sleepy brunette next to him. 

"Nghah?" He grunted, rubbing his hands through his tired eyes and looking up from the data sheets he was looking at. "What is it Mochi?" 

Miyuki didn't have many bad traits, in fact if someone were to ask the girls in their class, Miyuki was akin to a god or some kind of perfect being. But to Youichi, who had seen every side of him, from his most mischievous to his most tired, he was familiar with Miyuki's sleeping habits. Miyuki didn't wake up before 7am on a good day (luckily for him practice started at 7:30am). Today, however, was unlucky for Miyuki, because they needed to be awake and on the bus by 6:45am to get to the stadium. Youichi had known that his friend would not have woken up in time, so he stuck Eijun on him... The poor guy was awoken at 5:30am on the dot.

"You're not still mad at me are you?" He questioned, rubbing his neck sheepishly. 

"What do you think?" Miyuki glared at him sleepily. 

"How was I supposed to know he's wake you up that early? I told him to make sure you were up for the bus! Not to wake you up at the ass-crack of dawn." Miyuki sighed tiredly, the bags under his eyes prominent. Youichi bit his lip a little guilty. The catcher had probably spent most of the night awake going over the opponent's data and most likely had gotten little or no sleep due to his unfortunate alarm. 

"Its Sawamura! you're his roommate? Aren't you familiar with his sleeping habits?" Miyuki questioned a little waspishly. His sigh, turned into a jaw cracking yawn. "Sorry, I'm just really tired."

"Mah, it's fine, I know you didn't mean it. I'm sorry for setting the puppy on you this morning."

"Oh-hoh? Resorting to calling your beloved little brother a dog? What would he say if he heard what his beloved Mochi-Nii is saying about him?" Miyuki grinned tiredly.

"Probably nothing kyhahaha. He's too busy making friends over there." Youichi jabbed his thumb in the direction of the two first years who were coincidentally sitting next to each other and at that exact moment leaning on each other

"..." Miyuki stared intently at the duo. Youichi, cackled internally, these two really were idiots.

"You know..." Youichi wheedled, trying to pique Miyuki's interest.

"What?" The younger boy said looking at him.

"I overheard them talking on the way to the bus and, it seems that Eijun has both Chris-Senpai and Furuya calling him by his first name!" Youichi waited for the explosion to build.

"Those two look really good together. Like the sun and the moon really. The moon cannot shine without the sun and the sun shines even more brightly due to the presence of the moon." Youichi poked at Miyuki, who at this point could be likened to a sleeping bear. 

"Wow, I never knew you could be so poetic Kuramochi, if I didn't know your literature grades then I'd say you have a future career as a poet waiting for you." Miyuki finally jabbed back, loosing his cool from lack of sleep and irritation.

"Ouch! That hurts." Youichi clutched at his jersey over his heart. "Right here!" He cackled, amused at how easily Miyuki would lose his cool at the mention of Sawamura. "Mah, its not like he even looks at anyone else like he looks at you." Youichi muttered, under his breath.

"Hm?" Miyuki side-eyed him. 

"Nothing nothing, yeesh you tanuki." 


"Hey Sa-wa-mu-ra!" Kazuya teased, throwing his arm around the shorter but more lanky pitcher.

"What is it Miyuki Kazuya?" The younger brunette hissed, eyes narrowing into a shape reminiscent of a cat. 

"You might not even get to pitch today!" Kazuya cackled, waiting for Sawamura to take the bait.

"So? If Furuya does well, its still a team win." Sawamura pouted.

"Oh~ so your not even a little disappointed?" Kazuya leaned in close, the two of them almost nose to nose. 

"Nope! If I want to be the ace, I need to know when I have to step off of the mound." his golden eyes glinted fiercely. The younger boy sighed, before turning his face away to mutter, "Though, if I could, I would pitch one hundred percent of the time..." He pouted some more.

"What was that?" Kazuya cupped his ear and leaned in even more. He could feel the breaths of the younger boy shift his hair gently with each breathe. 

"Mou, nothing Tanuki-Senpai." Sawamura said.

"Well that doesn't sound very sincere." Kazuya teased. 

"It was." Sawamura said. "By the way, shouldn't you be warming up senpai? If you're not careful you might not even get a single hit today."

"Oi!" Kazuya exclaimed.

"What? You never get a hit unless someone's on base. Prove me wrong Miyuki Kazuya!" Eijun challenged loudly. 

"Fine! Today, I'll get a homerun regardless if someone is on base." Kazuya accepted, a smirk on his face.

"Deal" Eijun said grinning, and the two of them shook on it.


Hello Hello! Cinnamon Roll here. How are you guys? Look at me being consistent for once lol. Anyway, as promised, I'm including the sketch I did of Kominato Haruichi that I did for my buddy Haruichi in my Seidou High School Discord server. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the server, its a DnA RP server, where you are assigned (but can request) a DnA character to play and it also doubles as a way for people to chat with me about my fics.. any of them. You can also give me prompts or requests (though i will accept at my discretion). There you will find the two bots I've coded for the server: Eijun and Koushuu as well as our lovely Vice-Captains Haruichi and Mei as well as myself the Captain Kazuya. Anyway, here is a link if you want to join us: 

Before I forget... Here is the question of the week: Scale of 1-10 how done is Mochi? Why? Comment below!

Love you guys,
-Cinnamon Roll

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2021 ⏰

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