Tests and Mochi?

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"Wow." Eijun's eyes sparkled as he looked at the Seidou dorms. The Seidou Spirit Dorms (specifically for the baseball team) looked somewhat like an apartment complex, which to Eijun was both terrifying and amazing. Rei-San chuckled before turning an appraising eye on Eijun.

"Now that you are on the team you can call me Rei-chan. But you better show me proper respect during class. Okay Sawamura-Kun?" Her eyes partially obscured by glasses, glinted making Eijun cringe slightly.

"Y-y-yes Rei-Chan-San... I mean Rei-Chan!" Eijun stuttered out loudly. He pouted slightly when she laughed, and ruffled his hair. 

"I'm sure you'll fit right in Sawamura-Kun. Get settled in your room, practice starts early in the morning and you don't want to be late!" She smiled at him before leaving him in front of the dorms... alone.

"Okay... So I'm in room 205... I should definitely ask Nori-Senpai about my roomates!" He rifled through his bag looking for his cellphone. "Ah! I should also ask him where my room is ehehehe." He rubbed his neck sheepishly.


Sawamura: Nori-Senpai... Do you know where room 205 is? 

Nori-Senpai \(^.^)/: Yeah, it's on the second level of the dorms. Sawamura, are you perhaps at Seidou right now?

Sawamura: Yes? I'm standing outside of the complex. I feel completely lost rn. Wait... if you know where my room is, do you know who my roommates are?

Nori-Senpai \(^.^)/: Yeah, A third year named Masuko Tooru and a second year named Kuramochi Yoichi. Hang on, I'll come get you. 

Sawamura: Thanks Nori-Senpai!

Nori-Senpai \(^.^)/: It's no problem hahaha, I guess it's my job now that you're officially my kouhai. A word of advice... Kuramochi happens to be really intense, but Miyuki always mentions that having a little brother could mellow him out. Something about making him go soft? Honestly those two have the strangest relationship. Do me a favor and call him Nii-San. I really want to see how he reacts. 

Nori-Senpai \(^.^)/: I think that our dear catcher with a crap personality is rubbing off on me... Shoot. 


"Sawamura!" Nori called jogging up to the lean brunette. "Let's go." He grabbed on of Eijun's duffel bags and started to trek up the stairs. He was excited about possibly pranking Kuramochi and ruining Kuramochi's own prank. "When you introduce yourself, call him Nii-San." Nori bounced on his heels as they approached the room.

Eijun gave him a strange look before knocking on the door. The door to room 205 opened to pitch darkness and a white face lit by a flashlight slowly appeared, covered in what appeared to be blood? Eijun's eyes widened before, he took a deep breath glancing at Nori and remembering his advice.

"Hello! My name is Sawamura Eijun. Are you okay? Do you need medical attention? Nori-Senpai, do you know how to give first-aid?" Said senpai was struggling not to giggle at the look on Kuramochi's face.

"Nah kid. It was supposed to be a prank." He glared playfully at Nori, "That Someone happened to ruin!" He sighed opening the door completely and turning on the lights, revealing a heavy set guy who was also in the room. "My name is Kuramochi Yoichi, nice to meet you. The big guy is Masuko Tooru. He's punishing himself right now, so he isn't talking. If you ask him any questions though, he'll write his answers for you."

"Oh! That means that you're Mochi-Nii! Nori-Senpai told me I should call you that." The green haired boy's eyes widened in surprise. 

"I expected something like this from Miyuki not you Nori. Whoever says that you're innocent must be joking" he muttered before allowing Eijun into the room. Nori snickered before wishing the three of them goodnight and heading to his own room.

"Well there goes my plan for pranking him in the morning. I can't let someone who calls me nii-san get into trouble can I?" He muttered before running his hand through his hair with a sigh. Then louder to Eijun he said, "Practice tomorrow starts at 7:00 sharp. We should probably get you unpacked quickly, so that we can get to bed."

"Thanks Mochi-nii!" The brunette smiled brightly causing the older boy to blush lightly. Yoichi didn't think he would ever get used to someone calling him that.


First thing in the morning, Eijun stood lined up neatly in rows with the other first years. There were so many of them, but the ones who stood out most to Eijun were: a tough looking blonde, a tall, lanky boy with black hair, a short boy with pink hair (could he really see through those bangs though?) and a shy looking brunette. Eijun excitedly started at the current first string and upperclassmen fighting the urge to wave furiously in their direction. His eyes widened as they came upon a familiar brunette, with his cap askew and his sport visor perched on his angular nose. 

Eijun bounced on his heels excitedly as the first years started to introduce themselves, waiting impatiently for his turn. Biting his lip his eyes widened because Miyuki Kazuya was looking at him. Did that mean that the tanuki like senpai remembered him? Eijun knew that the three at bat challenge changed his own life (he was in Tokyo instead of Nagano!) but could that same challenge have affected the tanuki even a little?

"I'm Sawamura Eijun, I'm a pitcher! I'm here to become the ace... and form a battery with Tanuki-Senpai." Everyone looked a t him a little confused and Eijun flushed. He had meant to say Miyuki-Senpai, but the dumb nickname that he had been calling the catcher in head had just slipped out. Nori-Senpai was looking at him wide-eyed realizing exactly who he was talking about, and Mochi-Nii along with the senpai in question were shaking hands hand on mouths trying not to burst out into laughter. Eijun's face reddened even more from embarrassment.

"My name is Kanemaru Shinji, I'm a third baseman." The interesting blonde from before introduced himself to stop Eijun's embarrassment. And right then and there, Eijun knew that Kanemaru would be one of his new best friends.


Eijun had thought that the first practice would have been interesting. Instead, they spent the whole time being tested for their athleticism and ability in their positions while the upperclassmen went straight into drills on the A grounds. The shy brunette, Eijun and the tall lanky boy with dark hair (why did he look half asleep?) as well as two more lackluster boys who obviously didn't want to be there were standing in the B grounds bullpen being tested for pitching ability. The first test for stamina, Eijun breezed through running and running and running long after the other boys dropped. The coach eventually called for his to stop halting Eijun before he could continue to run.

"Alright, next we are going to do balance test, and then watch your pitching motions. The first year pitchers will be joining us so that we can watch you pitch." The coach said. The five prospective pitchers lined up waiting for their turns.

"Tojou Hideaki, you're up first." the shy brunette stepped forward. Eijun watched curiously as Boss (because the coach looked like some kind of yakuza boss in Eijun's opinion) laid out a wooden block on the ground. Tojou placed his right foot on the block and brought his leg up and hand into his gloved fist. He stood on one leg balancing as Kataoka (Boss) went around and measured hip angle, and took notes on his steadiness. 

"Furuya Satoru." Boss called, and waited as the sleepy boy meandered over to the block and went through the same measurements. Although Furuya did seem to have better balance than Tojou. Kataoka went through the other boys, until...

"Sawamura Eijun, you're up." Eijun stepped forward alight with nerves. However, the man's eyes widened slightly as the boy put his left leg on the block. Eijun, now identified as a southpaw, went through the same test as the others waiting patiently as Kataoka measured hip angle and balance. 

"Alright, next up is pitching motion and ability. Tell me, what kind of balls you pitch when you step up, and the catcher will call placement and pitch type. The goal here is to see what your current abilities are. Begin."

Hey Guys! Cinnamon Roll here! I finished this chapter early, so even thought the next update date is next Wednesday, I thought I'd treat you guys to the next chapter early. There will of course still be a chapter next week as well! I hope everyone is staying healthy and safe, as much as possible. 

Love you all

~Cinnamon Roll

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