Enter Narumiya Mei: Ichidai vs. Inashiro

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Shortly after his visit to Seidou, and his decision to attend school there in the Spring, Eijun increased his training regimen to include more stamina training, lower body and core strengthening exercises. He hoped that this would increase his power, and speed. From his books he learned that the best way to increase the weight behind a pitch was to increase the transfer of energy from your legs upwards. Nori-Senpai the pitcher who was being bullied by the demonic man/boy, Azuma, had given him his LINE contact information, which made Eijun's life more interesting now that he had someone serious about baseball to talk with.


The pitcher who Azuma was talking to stared at the junior high student in a mix of shock and awe. Kawakami Norifumi was disappointed in himself for not only failing to stand up to himself, but also having a student one year younger than him stand up to Azuma. Nori worried his lip during the three at bat challenge and  his breath caught when the junior high student roared during the 11th pitch. Three out of three outs were completed showing an undisputed victory over Azuma-Senpai.

The kid turned and captured him in his golden gaze, freezing Nori in place. The small brunette held out his hand now a the complete opposite person to the intense aura that had surrounded him earlier.

"Hopefully that guy won't bother you anymore! GWAHAHAHA!" His rambunctious laugh rang through the practice field where all of the team stood in shock. Azuma was a draft pick and this kid had struck him out like nothing. To be fair though, most of it was probably a mix Miyuki's game calling and Azuma-Senpai underestimating the kid. Still to be struck out...

"Ah... Kawakami Norifumi. You can call me Nori... and honestly I'm more worried for Miyuki. He's the one who has to room with Azuma-senpai." The kid's face went slack in awe.

"And he still helped me face him down? Wow, that catcher has some serious guts." He snickered golden eyes glittering. "In fact Miyuki-Senpai sounds like a tanuki to me! My name is Sawamura Eijun by the way! It's nice to meet you Nori-Senpai."

"Nice to meet you Sawamura. Did you need something from me?" Nori tilted his head in askance.

"Can I get your LINE information? I'd like to talk to someone who goes here about school, and it's be nice to talk to another pitcher!"


Nori-Senpai \(^.^)/: Sawamura how is training?

Sawamura: It's so-so, I want to learn how to better control my pitches, but I keep losing power when I do that... (=.=). How's training been for you? Is Azuma-senpai bothering you or Tanuki-Senpai?

Nori-Senpai \(^.^)/: Well it seems like you should talk to your coach? Personally to increase my speed with my control coach devised a training menu for core strength. Miyauchi-Senpai (He's a catcher) always says that if you get the fundamentals of your form down, then everything else will improve too! Azuma-Senpai hasn't really bothered me since your visit haha. I think you taught everyone an important lesson about teamwork. They've really been rallying around me.

Sawamura: I'm glad to hear that Seidou is improving for you! That really makes me feel better. I was super nervous about my decision to attend in the Spring. I've actually been working on strengthening exercises lately, but my school doesn't have a coach, so it's really hard for me to get advice. Plus it's closing down at the end of the school year.

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