Introducing Seidou's Firsties!

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"Wait... There are more first-year pitchers?" Eijun exclaimed shocked.

"Were you paying attention at all Sawamura? We were split into batches for testing so that the coaches could evaluate everyone individually." Toujou said quietly. "You've met Furuya and I bet you still need to meet Kaneda right? All of the other pitchers decided to switch to other positions."

"But why? Pitching is awesome! The moment when a pitch cleanly hits the mitt makes the best sound in the world." Eijun flailed his arms, catching Kanemaru by surprise.

"Oi, Sawamura watch where you're flailing!" The grumpy blonde huffed, mixed between amused and annoyed with the brunette. Playing in the recent match had increased Sawamura's standing with the first years, but he still knew that he had a lot of work to do.

"Sorry Kaneeemaru!" Eijun called out loudly.

"It's Kanemaru!" The blonde bickered, causing Toujou to snicker at him.

"That's what I said!" Eijun said smiling.

"..." Kanemaru just looked at him, before shaking his head.

"Anyway, Sawamura, you still need to meet some of the other first years right?" Toujou said trying to placate them both.

"Yeah!" Eijun grinned at them both. "I now Sleepy-Kun and you two, but I've not really met the others yet. The trio headed over to the cafeteria for dinner.

"Come sit with the first years today instead of you're precious Mochi-Nii and Miyuki-Senpai then." Toujou teased.

"Okay!" None of the first years, even Eijun were used to the three bowls of rice rule yet. At least one of them would need to stop lest thry throw up, during each meal.

"Everyone this is Sawamura Eijun." Kanemaru introduced, gesturing to Eijun with his thumb while holding his tray in the other hand.

"Sawamura, this is: Oka, Takatsu, Kariba, Takemoto, Oushima, Kimura, Hosoyamada, Kominato and Kaneda." Toujou said pointing to each of the first years. "And you already know Furuya right?" Eijun nodded taking in the sight of the different first years. The ones who stood out most were the boy with pink hair 'Kominato-Senpai's little brother?!' Kariba and his spiky hair, Takatsu's bright red hair and Kaneda's shy demeanor.

"It's nice to meet you all!" Eijun bowed at the waist while extending his tray in front of him.

"Oi, careful! You don't want to drop your food, Sawamura." Kanemaru snickered. "Bowing is polite and all, but put down your food first!" He scolded.

"Right!" Eijun nodded, before placing his tray down, and sitting in between Toujou and Kaneda. Before long the group of first years were having issues trying to complete the meal. In order to help Eijun started to babble, talking about anything and everything to take their minds off of the food that they needed to eat.

"Ne, Sawamura-Kun, are you going to be participating in the senpai vs first-year scrimmage?" Kaneda questioned, as Eijun stopped to take a breath.

"I'm not allowed to!" He dramatically cried out. "Coach said that since I'm pretty much on the first string, it wouldn't be fair for me to participate, since this is a tryout." Eijun said.

"Wait what do you mean when you say tryout?" Hosoyamada asked curiously.

"Ah well, Mochi-Nii says that this scrimmage is one of the first opportunities that first-years get to be added to the first-string and second-string during the season." Eijun pointed out with a smile.

"So does that mean its finalized? You're on the first-string?" The little Kominato asked.

"Kind of? I'm on the first string for the rest of the tournament. That being said, coach said that I still need a lot of work on everything that isn't pitching. So I guess I'm in limbo?" Eijun said uncertainly. Suddenly an arm hooked around his shoulder from behind causing Eijun and the other first years to jump.

"What do you mean kind of?" Miyuki said coming up behind him.

"Ah! Miyuki Kazuya!" Eijun pointed at him shouting loudly.

"That's my name! don't wear it out." He snickered at he shorter brunette. "Sawamura, you're on the first string. There is no kind of, weren't you listening to coach?" Miyuki scolded. "He said that you need to work on your fielding and batting, and that's why you'll be pulling fielding practices with the second-string during our weight room times!" Miyuki ruffled Eijun's hair roughly causing him to try and squirm away.

"I give Miyuki-Senpai, I give!" Eijun cried out, to the amusement of everyone at the table. After last night, Eijun had come to better understand the tanuki like senpai. And because of that he knew that the worst thing he could do was treat Miyuki any different or look at him with pity. Eijun knew better than most, for different reasons than Miyuki that when people's eyes looked at you like that all you wanted to do was get away.

Eijun kept pouting up at Miyuki, until the older boy sighed and stopped treating his hair so roughly. And yet, He still kept his arm hooked around Eijun's shoulder, keeping the younger boy close to his side. Eijun sighed relaxing minutely into the older boy, who was emitting a comfortable warmth.


From behind them Youichi snickered, a little ticked off that his little brother hadn't noticed him or greeted him. Yet, he was also happy to see that the battery had gone back to acting normal after last night. He had been discretely keeping an eye on Miyuki during practice over the course of the school and he'd even roped Ryou-San into helping as well ('Although Ryou-San was really hard to convince without a solid reason why...'). Youichi's eyes involuntarily searched for his partner in the mess hall, widening when he noticed the pinkette smirking at him. Ryou-San was anything but dumb, and Youichi new that sooner rather than later, he'd figure out exactly what was going on. But for now, Youichi just grinned back at the older Kominato before turning around and sideling up to his little brother.

"Sa-wa-mu-ra! You didn't even greet your big brother yet!" Youichi said with a playful sneer in his voice. It was like a shiver went straight up the kid's spine, which caused Youichi to snicker internally.

"Ah, Ni-San! Sorry, I didn't see you!" Eijun apologized, his face a little pink with embarrassment.

"Oh is that so~?" Youichi wheedled, causing the brunette to squirm under Miyuki's arm.

"It is I promise!" He nodded rapidly, causing Youichi to worry for a moment that he'd give himself a concussion or something.

"I'll let you of the hook this time okay? But only cause you're my favorite lil' bro!" Youichi grinned at him magnanimously. Sawamura nodded his head before leaning out of Miyuki's grasp ('Whoa, is he actually pouting?!') and reaching out to Youichi to give him a hug. Youichi ruffled his hair roughly.

"Wait...." Sawamura squinted up at him. "Aren't I your only little brother?" Sawamura pouted. "Ni-San... You only have sisters at home!"

"Kyahaha!" Youichi grinned down at him. "That's right!"


Hey Guys! It's me Cinnamon Roll lol. Here's the next update. I've been super busy this week ugh. Anyway, the fanart I posted above is mine, yes I drew it haha.

Question of the Week: How much does Ryou-San already know? comment your answers haha!

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