I'll Just Believe

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Even if I feel insecure, I believe that my heart will not leave you... ~ For You, BTS


It could have been a usual ordinary day for the Kyurangers, if one would include the battles and liberation business they intended to finish in order to save Earth from the Jark Matter. Though it was still a long way to go, they knew they were progressing.

That is, if all of them could finally communicate to each other without feeling the strained atmosphere coming from two of their teammates.

But even with that initial thought, something was different once again. This time, there was a determined aura of some sort surrounding both Stinger and Hammie. It was still a change, but it felt off, for some reason. At some point, they could feel that something was bound to happen. Only they still couldn't figure out what.

As soon as Hammie stepped inside her Chameleon Voyager and sat on the chair, she took a deep breath and put her clenched fist to her chest, near her heart. There was no reason for her to be nervous, she kept on telling that to herself. But she knew she would be lying if she actually said that. She knew perfectly well why she was feeling this way.

Stinger and I will be fighting together again...

At that point, however, Hammie knew she had to be careful and make sure that everyone in that team chosen to liberate another conquered part of the Earth would be safe. Especially Stinger.

"I'm not going to let that nightmare happen," she uttered before starting to maneuver the Kyu Voyager she was currently riding on as soon as Raptor gave the signal of the docks opening.

With that determimation, she headed out to Earth together with Lucky, Stinger, Champ, and Spada. Her actions didn't go unnoticed, of course, to the rest of the team. But they chose not to say anything. Instead, they decided to watch over their female friend to see what was about to happen next as the battle would start.

As soon as they arrived, however, various aircrafts coming out of the Moraimazu stationed there started firing at them.

"It looks like they knew we'd be coming here," Champ commented as the robot's Oushi Voyager evaded and fired towards the incoming enemy attacks.

Spada and Lucky were doing the same thing. That is, until they noticed something peculiar.

"They're definitely trying to distract us, alright. But then --" Spada soon tried to look around while evading the attacks aimed towards his Kajiki Voyager. "Where's Hammie-chan?"

As soon as those words came out, Lucky screamed out her name as he too looked around to search for their female member. But no such luck. It appeared they got separated as soon as they entered the vicinity and the enemies started attacking.


No answer came. Until another realization came to the rest of the team. Stinger was nowhere to be seen, as well.

"Stinger!" Lucky called out through the Seiza Blaster.

A few minutes later, a voice came through.

"I'm fine. Hammie's safe, as well. But we have to deal with the enemy here on the ground. I'll let you guys distract the aerial ones for now since they aimed to both of us and now our Voyagers suffered a few damages that we'd take care of later."

A sigh of relief was the only thing Lucky and the rest could give as a response. At the moment, that was all they could do as they had no other option but to deal with the enemy the way Stinger had decided it to be. They just got to have faith in each other that they could do it and defeat the Daikan ruling that particular part of the Earth.

And they would all come back safe.



Easier said than done.

Or at least, that was what both Stinger and Hammie were thinking about as they fought the Daikan of that sector. But if they were going to be honest, fighting this monster with the barrier between still existing wasn't exactly an easy thing to deal with. Even with the perception that, at the moment, they both were Kyurangers and their duty was their priority.

But Hammie couldn't deny the fact that the fear she felt upon remembering her nightmares still lingered as she fought hard like this. Strike after strike, thrust after thrust with her Kyu Rapier and shot after shot from her Seiza Blaster -- each of those would echo in her mind and would act as a horn blaring in front of her. Those nightmares would only become possible if she actually allowed it so to happen.

"Hammie, try to focus. He's going to use that attack again."

Those words woke her up from her reverie and did exactly as Stinger told her so. She sensed her surrounding and focused to determine their enemy's location that seemed to have vanished into thin air as soon as it covered them in such a thin mist. Though it appeared to have not done anything harmful yet, both she and Stinger knew better. It was the same attack that the Daikan used to take the two Kyurangers down while they were still in their respective Kyu Voyagers.

Not long after, Hammie felt a foreboding presence from above them. Both she and Stinger jumped away from where they stood as a ball of energy hurled towards them from above. It hit the ground and exploded, causing smoke and dust to lower the visibility around the area even more.

"Hammie, you can tell where he would attack next, right?" Stinger asked through the Seiza Blaster.

Though surprised that Stinger was talking to her like this, Hammie felt that it was better than them avoiding each other and pretending that they didn't exist. She let out an agreeing sound and started concentrating to sense her surroundings once more.

"We'll both use our weapons to strike him down then. Finish him off completely using her Blasters. I know where to hit him in order to weaken him." And Stinger stated to Hammie where the assumed weak point of the Daikan was.

But before she could start concentrating once more, Hammie noticed something. The tone in Stinger's voice... and the way he was speaking to her at the moment...

How come it felt so different? It felt as if what happened between them these past few days didn't even exist. Aside from that, there was a hint of worry in his voice that she only got to realize at the moment.

"Don't worry. We'll get through this together. I'll protect you, if I have to."

Those words snapped Hammie out of her musings, along with the fast beating of her heart. He's really worried. She couldn't help smiling at the thought of it, along with the feeling of assurance that everything would be okay.

That the nightmares about him dying won't happen.

"I know. I got your back. I'll protect you, too, " she said before putting down her hand that had the Seiza Blaster on and started concentrating.

They would get through this -- just like what would always happen whenever they fought the Jark Matter and put their best to defeat them. No death vision would succeed in coming true. The thought might have distracted them and crippled them. But only for a while.

Now they knew such a thing won't happen at all. They had the power to do that. They just needed to prove it.

"We're not going to lose each other... right?"


Two more parts and this story will be over. I can't put the original photo edit I made for this story part as the device when I placed it was broken. So I had to resort to a different plan if I want to really finish writing this.

Anyway, thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed it! Till the next update.

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