As I'm With You

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As long as I'm with you, even my anxieties will disappear in no time... 🎵Togetsukyo ~Kimi Omofu~, Kuraki Mai


One battle was over, and another sector was liberated, thanks to the Kyurangers. But it appeared that their ordeal wasn't over, as they'd hoped it to be. There was still that issue between Stinger and Hammie that they wanted to settle.

The only problem was -- they didn't know what the issue was and the rest were still clueless as to what really happened between those two. But at this point, they were glad that the atmosphere surrounding the pair wasn't as tensed as it was days ago. There was the air of awkwardness, but was bearable enough.

As for that awkward air, it already started hovering around Stinger and Hammie as soon as their battle with the Daikan was over. As it was just the two of them who dealt with the enemy, the tension of the battle somehow muffled whatever unnecessary feelings lingering in their hearts at that moment. Besides, they made a promise not to lose each other whatever battle would come at them.

But it appeared that the emotions surging as soon as those words were spoken had created that awkward air. And now, they had no idea on how to deal with it.

Both of them chose not to return to the Orion for the meantime. They made a deal that they'd talk properly right after the battle, away from the prying eyes of their teammates. Not that they cared about what they would say, but it was better if they'd settle everything privately.

At the moment, they were on top of a building that overlooked the area that they'd just liberated. The wind was blowing nicely, to the point that it made Hammie feel peaceful -- which was ironic. Even with that, she smiled at the thought.

"When did it start appearing?"

Though the question startled Hammie, it didn't take long. She sighed after that and faced Stinger. "Two weeks... before you went undercover. I don't know... what triggered it. But each nightmare kept getting worse that each time I'd see them, they all felt so real. I don't even want to sleep because of that, fearing that once I wake up, I'd end up learning that they're real and it already happened before I could even stop it."

No one spoke a word after that. But for Hammie, she was glad that she was able to let it all out -- at least most of it. Whether or not Stinger would respond to that, she wouldn't mind.

"Is that why you seemed to hesitate when I talked to you that night before I went undercover?"

"Yes..." Hammie responded, along with a nod. "But I know I can't do that. You have a mission as a Kyuranger at the time. And yet, that fear was still there. I couldn't get rid of it."

"Hammie, you have to realize one thing. At this point, I don't have any reason to die or allow myself to get killed."

Without a doubt, those statement gave Hammie quite a shock. But she chose to remain silent. She wanted Stinger to continue saying the words he wanted to say to her. Even though she was aware that his answer wouldn't be something her heart was expecting to say.

"Not only did I make a promise to deal with my brother who betrayed my tribe, but I also made a promise when I became a Kyuranger. That I'm not going to lose anymore important people in my life ever again. Even if my nightmares would keep telling me otherwise," Stinger said, his voice filled with conviction and determination that was different from what Hammie would usually hear from him.

At that moment, she frowned. "Nightmares?"

Stinger heaved a heavy sigh and looked at the clear sky. "You're not the only one who keeps having nightmares of someone dying and I couldn't even stop it."

It might be considered weird, but Hammie's heart pounded loudly at that point. She recalled the time Stinger saved her from the Daikan attack before they started avoiding. There was fear in his eyes when she confronted him at the time. How could she not have realized that sooner?

But is it possible? Could it be that his nightmares...? She had to know. "Stinger..."

"I kept on seeing you getting killed in battle. And each time I'd see it in my dreams, that fear kept getting stronger. I couldn't stop it from consuming me to the point that the nightmares were feeling more real than the last."

For Hammie to be speechless was an understatement. Then again, it was no surprise that Stinger was the reason for that to happen. This guy rarely spoke words this long and this many. But even with that, she didn't mind seeing this side of Stinger as this was one of those times she could feel that this was the real him.

"I guess we both have the same fear, huh?" Hammie couldn't help uttering with a relieved smile after his words finally sunk in her mind. We both have the same fear of losing each other... She added in her thoughts.

But would it be right if she actually spoke those words out loud?

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