Chapter Eighteen

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He woke early, still lying on the hard shell of the boat. The noise of the pier just starting, as the fishermen were preparing to sail out to and make their living. He went below to make his coffee, but even after a year the desire for a cup of Turkish tea was still vivid in his mind. He would have given anything if she was there to brew them a cup of it. He poured his coffee and smiled, it was funny how he still didn't like the taste of that coffee, but he still made it every morning. Maybe he was still punishing himself with the coffee, forcing it to become his morning starter....could be  he thought. He washed his face and ran his fingers through his long unkept hair, grabbed his coffee and climbed the ladder back to the deck. The air smelled so good as he sucked it in through his nose. Ahhh, nothing like this fresh air from the Sea of Marmara, it was like no place else. He found his pen and wrote on the calendar, June 6th, getting the boat repaired in Tuzla then I'll be on my way. 

He wanted to take a walk around town while they were fixing the rigging, just to stay out of their way. He started off toward the market again to pickup some fresh bread and a journal to write in. He thought it might be better than writing in that small space on the calendar. The town was busy with people hurrying around, that still made him feel nervous. After being alone out on the water for so long all this activity seemed unnecessary. The thought of the agency entered his head, and all the times that the chaos of the business seemed perfectly normal. He could hear Deren yelling and barking her orders at everyone, and of course CeyCey's excessive craziness. The thought of CeyCey made him smile, he missed him, that one person that had a knack of making him laugh. 

He walked back toward the pier and his boat, back to the only home he knew now. The memories were beginning to eat away at him, so the quicker he could leave here the better. They had just finished the repairs when he arrived, telling him he was good to go. He paid them, thanking them for getting it done so quickly. Now he just had to make himself start up the motor and leave, move out across the water and away from his home again. For some reason he was hesitant, putting it off, doing things he wouldn't have normally done before pushing that button to start the engine. He went below for the third time to make sure everything was secure before shoving off. He grabbed the scarf that was lying neatly folded on his bunk, and stuffed it in his pocket. He made sure the scarf was always with him when he was took the wheel of the boat. He climbed the ladder back to the deck, his heart as heavy as it had ever been.

He jumped, startled by a person sitting there on the deck bench. "Aunt Remide, what the hell are you doing here." He wasn't sure if it was real or a trick that his mind was playing on him, was she really there. She smiled, "Can, I could ask you the same question, what are you doing." She had completely shocked him by her presence, " How did you know I was here." He asked, surprised she had found him, but not at all disappointed. "It's been a year son, your father has been frantic about you, so I hired a detective, he reported to me that you were here, I am."  Can smiled, knowing that this woman would have done anything for his Dad. They had been close friends for many years. 

The next hour was spent with Ms. Remide telling him all the news from home, the fall of the agency. How Emre lost everything including their home, but had left out the most important person in the world to him. " You're home now Can, go see your father, make him at peace." She told him, patting him on the hand. He shook his head, " No, auntie, I'm not home, I just stopped for repairs. They are done now so I'll be on my way." Her eyes looked at him with a disappointment, "You owe it to your Dad to see him one last time. You know his health problems. If you don't see him now, you may never get another chance." The words hit him hard and straight in the heart, as he felt the tears surface in his eyes. She stood to  leave, giving him a huge hug, " Don't let my hard work of finding you be for nothing, your father is back in Istanbul, please see him before you sail off to some far away place. It may be the last time." 

She reached into her bag and pulled out a small book wrapped in brown paper and tied neatly with a ribbon, " Here, this is for you. Even though you didn't ask about her, I will tell you. She is quite famous now, a world known author. But from what I hear, a very lonely and determined person." She laid the book on the table and walked down the walkway to the dock, turning back to look at him, " Running won't fix it Can, not a love like you have." And then she was gone, disappearing into the crowd of people that was on the pier.

He hadn't realized how long he had sat there staring at the pages in the book, until the lights of the pier came on. He looked around seeing that the day had changed to night, and he hadn't even noticed. For the first time in months his body was relaxed, as he slid down on the bench and closed his eyes. He slept all night, a peaceful sleep, not one full of dreams or demons. 

He was awake at first light, his mind clear and his heart happy for the first time in a year. He had decided....he would go to Istanbul to see his Dad. He fired up the motor, and as it was warming up, he took his pen and wrote on the calendar...

June 7th, it's funny how your heart has a way of changing your mind...

He floated out into the channel of water, veering right toward Istanbul. He picked up his phone and called his Dad..

"Ahoy Captain, I'm sailing to Istanbul, I'm coming  to see you for a day or two....

Dad,..I'm coming home.......


Thank you for reading. This will take you on to the next part of The Phoenix and the Albatross series. This series continues on with the story, " I'm Stronger Than Ever...The Phoenix"  I hope that this story filled in all the blanks of what happened the year he was gone. Please read the next 4 part series for the full story and for that very happy ending that we all loved.

The Phoenix and the Albatross series....

Part 2:  I'm Stronger Than Ever...The Phoenix                                                                                                               Part 3:  Rising From the Ashes                                                                                                                                           Part 4:  Flying....On the Wings of My Albatross                                                                                                           Part 5: Together....In the Valley of Truth and Love

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