𝘿𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩

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This also takes place before Future Foundation catches the remnants of despair, Komaeda had confessed his feelings to Kamukura, and now they're in an abandoned cafe, having a "date" as a couple. I guess you could call this a sequel to the last chapter?? It's like a few days after they became a thing.

Kamukura's POV

As we stepped into the abandoned and poorly lit-up building, I felt Komaeda grip onto my hand hesitantly. "Are you nervous?" I turned my head to the white-haired boy who I had 'fallen in love' with. Such an interesting feeling. He nodded, slightly trembling, but he managed to keep his casual smile on his small face. I wonder if he was always like this or it's the despair tainting him. "There's nothing to worry about. No one's here except us." I reassured the fragile-looking boy. "I-I know, but I'm just afraid that I'll do something despair-inducing and ruin this for the both of us.." it slightly angered me that he thought that he'd accidentally ruin our own date that he had thought of going on. I cupped his gentle face and looked him in the eyes, "Nagito, you're not going to ruin it, so shut up." I could feel his shakey hands grip onto my arms and move them away from his face slightly. "B-but what if I do something wrong? M-maybe we should just go back-" I pushed my lips against his, not allowing him to finish his stupid sentence. I wish he would just stop saying all these dumb things for once. I pulled away, a string of saliva connecting our mouths, Komaeda was staring at me with shock and concern in his eyes. "Nothing's going to go wrong while we're on this date, how many times do I have to tell you?" his face turned from a frown to a tiny comforting smile, a red shade of blush spreading across his cheeks as he nodded and sat down in one of the seats next to the window outside, I sat in the chair across from him and put my arms on the table, resting my chin in the palm of my right hand. "Um..well..what do you want to do, Mr. Kamukura- I mean, um, I-Izuru.." It was kind of adorable that he accidentally called me how he used to before we began dating, I felt the strange feeling in my stomach get stronger as I let out a small laugh, "I don't mind doing nothing and just sitting in this silence if you don't have anything in mind." I replied, trying to sound comforting, and held his gloved hand. I looked him up and down, observing the pale yellow button-up shirt that he was wearing for our date. I was just wearing my usual suit, as I didn't know what to wear other than that. "Ah, um, I was actually thinking that maybe we could talk about a few things, l-like..what's your favorite color..?" What a boring question, but I can't blame him. He's probably never been on a date with anyone before, but neither have I. "Now that you mention it..I don't have one. Every color is very boring." He laughed it off nervously, "Ahah, of course! Well, u-um..I know someone like me shouldn't be asking so suddenly, but..c-can..I kiss..you..Izuru..?" Oh. I didn't think that Komaeda would have the guts to actually ask me that, especially when he's this nervous. After a few minutes of us sitting in silence, I answered his question, "Yes." as soon as I did, he stood up and pulled me closer to his face by the collar of my suit, his tongue immediately entering my mouth as our tongues fought, I could hear his soft and very quiet moans, what's with him? He's never usually this brave to do anything like this, but it was intriguing to experience, to say the least.

Komaeda's POV

Hah, wow! He's actually letting me do this! Oh, what hope Izuru brings to me! But..even though we technically are a thing now, I couldn't help but feel like I was causing despair to him, but I couldn't stop.

After a few minutes, he pulled away, catching his breath, "I-I'm..sorry.." I apologized for the sudden kiss. "It's fine. Let's go home." Oh, god..Dates don't usually end this fast, do they? I messed it up, didn't I? I'm such a piece of trash, and yet Izuru still decides to keep me with him.. He got up from his seat and began walking out of the abandoned cafe, I followed after him quickly, "A-Are you mad at me? I-I'm sorry for messing this date up-"

"I'm not mad at you, and you didn't do anything wrong. I just thought that we should go back, we didn't need to go on that date at all when we can just talk at home, but it was nice to go out with you, Nagito."

"R-really..?" I asked as we reached his house and went inside, taking our shoes off.

"Yes. Do you want to sleep in my bedroom tonight?" He offered, changing the topic calmly in his soothing and monotone voice.

"U-uhm, if you don't mind sleeping with scum like me, then of c-course."

"Well, I'm going to read a book and then go to sleep. Are you coming?"


"Come on then." He said, heading to his room as I quickly ran up to him. I sat down on his bed as he opened his closet, grabbing a white shirt and-

He was taking off his suit..in front of me..sure, he had his back turned to me, but that was enough for scum like me. His shirtless body was so mesmerizing, I wonder how big he is under his pants..ah..What embarrasing thoughts I'm having! I covered my mouth with my hand as I watched him change into the white shirt that he was holding previously, god..I'm so disgusting, I'm still surprised that Izuru hasn't broken up with me yet. "Are you not gonna change your clothes? I can give you a shirt that you can wear for the night." He's offering to let me wear one of his shirts? Oh, I feel so blessed! "S-sure!" I eagerly got up just for Izuru to stop me and start unbuttoning my shirt, "I-Izuru, what are you doing? I can do it by myself, you don't have to help trash like m-" He interrupted me once again, "You seem to take a long time when you usually change, and I don't feel like waiting." once my shirt was fully unbuttoned, he slid it off my arms gently and put it on the ground, I was shirtless and embarrassed, I could feel my cheeks getting warmer as he turned around to get a navy blue shirt that he had in his closet, and walked back to me. "Put your arms up." I did as he told me to, he then slid the shirt over me, it was slightly oversized, but really comfy to be in, and it had his scent. "T-thank you.." I thanked him as he went to his shelf to pick out a book, and I layed down in his bed, waiting for him to join me, and soon enough, he did. It seemed like he picked out a thriller, if I had to guess by looking at the cover. He got under the covers with me and put his arms around me while holding and reading his book. Was he..'spooning' me? Or at least that's what I heard couples call it in stories. Either way, I felt safe and calm with him, and soon enough, I fell asleep in his arms, but before I fully drifted to sleep, I could hear him closing his book as he wrapped his cold hands around my warm body and was resting his chin on my head gently.

"Goodnight, Nagito."

I AM SO SORRY THAT THIS WAS SO SHORT BUT I REALLY LIKED WRITING THIS ONE I THINK THE WEATHER OVER HERE EFFECTED MY WRITING ABILITY AND PLUS I DIDN'T REALLY KNOW WHAT TO WRITE ABOUT!! but I hope you enjoyed this short fluff! I was planning on making it a smut earlier but I changed my mind ^^ also note: i might not post much in the week because of school and hw i hate online classes, but I'll try to get a chapter out everyday if i have an idea for it!! also holy moly this already has more than half of 100 reads umm ty

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