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«Taehyung POV»

I was playing with the two puppies, how adorable really, it was nice to see them, before I heard someone familiar call my name, a voice unmatched with any other, a honey like ringing in my ear as I turned to look at the woman, who was looking at me disbelief.

She was beautiful. Her full pouty lips, skin as white as snow, her body carved like Aphrodite herself as raven hair fell to her waist, jet black hair, her dreamy soft eyes. She was gorgeous. From head to toe, her beauty was unmatched.

But soon the realization hit me, how did she knew my name? Coming back here, to Korea, I came back here for only one person, only she was on my mind the whole time-

my hoodie fell back, soft black curls falling infront of my eyes as I stared at this girl, and It didn't even take me a second to realise who it was, it was the same, ivory skin, as of Snow White the princess, well who was denying that Soo wasn't a princess? She was everything, a goddess too, her body carved like Aphrodite herself as raven hair fell to her waist, jet black hair, such a beauty.

I rushed forward of course, heart hammering in my ears like a mad man beating drums as I quickly felt warmth run over me like a wild fire spreading over, wrapping my arms around her stronger and sturdier in a way as I felt tears run down my cheeks, her heart was hammering too of course, and I felt her warm tears slip into my neck and onto my hoodie. I was here. She was here, with me. God she really was here wasn't she?

Unravelling my arms from around her, I felt this blood just gush into my cheeks from the crying due to happiness, such an ecstatic feeling it couldn't be described any other, a feeling of a childish promise coming true, developing into a romance as soft as the corollas of a flower. I kept her in my arms, I didn't want her to go anywhere else at all, It was hard, hard being away from her for so long but now she's here, god my heart cant calm down, can it?

Staring, that was all I was capable of at the moment, staring was all I could do, it was hard to rip my gaze away from this girl, someone I've loved so long for and yearned so long for in my arms. Her eyes shone like bright, ornate diamonds, planets waiting to be explored in the irises of them, golden rings beautifying them more as in there was literal gold from the sunlight pouring in them.

"Tae.." There was the nickname I adored so much, Tae, the way she said it was magical, enchanting, what can I even say? My heart melted at the name, hand reaching up to her cheek to caress it like it was the softest thing in the world.

And immediately in response, my lips mumbled out-"Soo." And her eyes, they lit up like lanterns, like the brightest stars in the sky, it gave me such euphoria, and I hoped this euphoric feeling would stay longer, but I had to snap out of my thoughts to regain control.

"You-its you-your back-g-god I-" She didn't want to cry again, which is when words started to spill out of my own lips.

"You have no Idea how I've missed you, Soouyoung. Oh god how I waited, it was hard everyday, hard to breathe away from you, not having you in my arms everyday in the morning, not everyone gets someone like you, do they? I've missed every single moment with you and dreamed of more with you in them, every single night you came in my dreams, I was waiting, waiting and yearning for graduation so I could fly overseas to see you, Soo, It was quite hard actually, I missed your warmth, the way you used to smile at me? God it was awesome, And quite loving too I remember, The way your hair shone in the sunlight at school, I-"

And that is where It happened.

I felt soft, plump lips crash onto mine, as if a collision had happened between two pillows of flower petals really, the softness and cherry taste of her lip was, mostly undescribable, her heart hammering right above mine, like a thump thump thump that set into rhythm, like the slow dance of two people, two lovers dancing together, a slow, soft dance in the kitchen.

I was hesitant at first, I asked my heart. 'Do I want this? For her to be mine and forever more? For her to be cherished and loved by me, protected and kept well for and to be kept like the Princess she really is? Do I want her?'

'Yes, Yes I do.' And I kissed back, heart Pounding blood in my ears as our lips rhythmically moved, moulding around each other like clay waiting to be moulded in a shape. It was perfect, like a long lost dream coming true in the whimsical life of me, Kim Taehyung.

Of course it was passionate and sweet, as if a full ocean of love was being poured onto us, she could feel it and me too. It was..fantastical, yet real. And then I finally realised, We were kissing in the corner of a garden, weren't we? But I didn't cared for that, if people were watching, they were watching, all that mattered right now was Sooyoung and that she was in my arms, not any other.


A/N: Thank you for the love dear readers 💖
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