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[Sooyoung POV]

I was terribly lethargic, it all felt like a twisted, fever dream I had 10 years ago, the wind caressing my face made goosebumps run up my spine as I sighed and wrapped my arms around me for a moment, the little fantasy of him smiling at me and taking my hand soflty, like a gentleman walking through the corridors with me would have to stop and be buried in the deepest part of my heart.

I had to face the reality, he does not see me more than a friend and I totally understand that, everyone has the right to choose who they want to be with.

I knew why Seulgi held Jin back and why she let me go to the classroom first. She knew, she knew about my feelings toward him. And I am sure she had confronted him, asking about his feelings for me.

And soon the dreaded reaction came, Seulgi coming into the room with Jin, who went to talk to his friends, while she sighed and looked at me with a 'I am so sorry' face, and I heard the tiny little crack of my heart almost deafen my ears from the force that unsaid statement hit me, He didn't love me, even if I ever were to love him, he would not, for now I was sure someone else was in his eyes, and that girl, was Irene.

It was all clear now, and I didn't blame him. And now I am aware of my feelings, after all my heart didn't belong to him and neither his belonged to me. And I guess, Jin was just another way for me to forget about him, but I guess he is going to stay in my heart forever. It has been years and

The days passed as usual, I sighed before I fell on my bed in my home clothes, a tiny part of me wanting to break down like other girls but I just couldn't, so I sat up, before putting the red leash around my adorable and lovely little puppy, Haetim for a walk, in the nearby garden, it's quite big, at least it would take my mind off some things, things I wished never even happened. But it did, And no one could help it really. Haetim was excited of course, and I could feel a small smile finally tug on my lips.

While I was walking, My eyes came across two kids, A girl and a boy, around 10 or 11 mostly, and both sitting while the girl was crying for some reason, and I heard her small, soft voice speak. "Why..Why-D-Do you have to go? Please d-don't.." And the boy sadly responded with-"But, I have to..dad says we have-have to stay with him as family never stays apart, right? I promise you, Ill be back, don't you worry at all."

That's when I was reminded of those moments I spent with HIM.


Only one thing raced through my mind, and a gush of memories came flooding back.


A/N: More chapters are on their way! Keep showing your love and don't forget to comment. Thank you🤗

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