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[Sooyoung POV]

"Good Morning, Me."
I muttered halfheartedly, Boy was it a sunny day, like-bright outside, I shuffled up from my blankets, stretching for a moment as I look outside the window, the sunlight filtering onto my face as I finally got up anyways.

Today was another simple day for me, And yet, I couldn't shake off the feeling something bad was going to happen.

Getting off the school bus, I had practically tears in my eyes from yawning all the way, but I pressed on, education is more important. Plugged my earphones in and started humming to the song as I saw my best friend by now.

The way he always had a smile on his face, caramel coloured smooth and shiny hair, like he was straight out of a damn storybook, the fact how he took everything lightly and of course his charismatic character all drew me to him, to the fact that I realised the truth, Yes, I, do have a crush on him, I mean would you even have a look at him? So nice to me, Handsome and loving-who wouldn't?

Though cliché as it might be, It all started from us doing a project together, He was talkative and so was I, a good coup-I mean good friends, Yeah.

"OI, JOY!" Excited as ever, always, all this made me chuckle, he really was like a child. And yeah, my friends like to call me joy because according to them, I bring joy to their life.

"Completed the assignment that Oldman-I mean, Mr Jung gave?" He asked and I let out a chuckle.

"Yeah Jin, And also, yes-before you ask, you have permission to copy it, just-don't copy my name like last time." I said remembering the last time he took my assignment to copy and proved that he's total a fool by copying my name on his assignment.

"Yah! What do you take me for? A fool?!" He said in fake anger as I stifle a laugh of mine, it was way more amusing than normally talking.

"And obviously I won't repeat the same mistake again and again"

"Yeah whatever Jin, keep telling yourself that!"
I yelled as I ran out of the classroom, knowing that someone would be right behind chasing me, and there were those familiar stomping footsteps of the man yelling my name "Yah Park Sooyoung!! How dare you!"
I ran as I laughed out loud, my laughs over Jin's incoherent babbling now.

I love being like this with him. And I don't want our friendship to be ruined just because of my stupid feelings...but I can't help it either.

[Seokjin POV]

THIS GIRL-I- WHAT DO I DO WITH HER-but right now, All I could do was chase this brunette, calling out for her as she stopped infront of none other than Kang Seulgi, A good classmate and friend of ours, and, Sooyoung's girl best friend as she hid behind her, Sooyoung giggled as Seulgi yipped-"Traitor!" I said, trying to grab Sooyoung as Seulgi yelled-"God, Stop it you two!" Sooyoung moved away, Hair falling onto her shoulders and back as she ran again, but I was stopped by Seulgi.

[Seulgi POV]

"JIN! Wait up, I have to speak to you." I held onto this guys sleeve, pulling him to the side, he had to know, he had to, so that he won't end up hurting her. "Do-Do you-Uh- Do you like Sooyoung? I mean, I know its out of the blue, but just so you know, She-She likes you, Or well loves you, That I'll have clarified soon, Just tell me right now."
Anxiety shot up the roof for this particular question.

[Seokjin POV]

"Oh.. Seulgi?" I saw the brunette nod as I spoke my next words carefully.

"Do you-Do you know the difference between love and like?" I asked, She wondered for a moment, Before I piped up with an answer.
"Like is when you like someone. As in liking them as a close friend, A bestie or, or just a cool person, you like being with them as more than friends and they are good people as well, Love whereas ..It just means that you want the person to be with you, to love you and hold you like everyday is your last, to wake up next to them and fall asleep in their arms, It means that you would gladly spend your whole life with them, And I think I like her, yes I have romantic feelings towards her but I don't love her, she's far too better to be with someone so clumsy and clown-like me-" I gave a small chuckle before sighing heavily as I looked at Seulgi as the bell rang,
"We should head back to class."
Seeing Seulgi gave a nod, I grinned before starting to walk back.


No, he's not the kind of person to just back off, because he knew, he knew he had feelings for her and didn't wanted them to be just friends, he wanted them to be something more.
But love is something he never trusted, and see what game his heart played with him, lately, for sometime now, his heart is captured by a certain female, Bae Joohyun aka Irene.


A/N: Thank you very much guys for reading my book. And here is the first part. Please comment and write your thoughts, It motivates me to write more!

Also, EuphorianFlower, a very good friend of mine, proof read this. Go check her out, she might be uploading some of her works soon.💞

This is my first time writing a story/ fanfic, so I apologise for any mistakes, and please guys comment and vote for me it inspires me to write more!! (◍•ᴗ•◍)


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