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«Sooyoung POV»

I soon came to realise what I did and stepped back. I didn't know what I was thinking when I leaned in to kiss him, but I just felt like it was the right thing to do at that moment, and honestly, I quite enjoyed it. His lips felt too soft against me, I swear I did not wanted to let go but I had to.

The feeling of guilt was still there in my heart and it was eating me inside. Why was I feeling it...only I knew...its was my secret, and it makes me feel the worst person on the earth.

"Sorry for that...I just-"
He cut me before I could say anything more.

"No, it's okay Soo, it felt so right. I was surprised by your sudden action but somewhere in my heart I wanted it too."
He scratched the back of his neck.
"It was a nice welcome by the way" He winked at me, and I felt heat rush up my face as I tried my best to not look like a fool in front of him. I swear to god, I know I was as red as tomato by now.

He smiled at me, showing his signature boxy smile which could melt my heart in a second.

"I like seeing you all flustered, you look really cute you know." He said and now my face was more red than ever. He chuckled and I smacked his shoulder, annoyed with the fact that his one look can make me fall on my knees.

"Oh, I see you have kept the necklace I gave." He said pointing to the precious necklace that I was wearing.

"Yeah.....How could I not keep it? It was the only thing that kept reminding me of you, aside from our memories...." I said remembering the last time we met, which was ten years ago, we had to bid our final goodbyes, I remember how my heart was aching at that moment.

"I have kept mine too, see!" He said as he showed me his necklace, and I am glad that he kept it too. "Ah, you have kept it....I thought you'll forget me when you moved to the States and won't care about that necklace.."

"Yah! You really thought that? And what made you think that huh? You think I could forget you so easily?"
He faked a disappointing expression and pouted just like he used to do back then.
"No, it's not like that, I just- I just thought that you would've been so happy living there, you would've also got new friends...nicer ones...so I thought you probably won't remember me...and also probably you have met someone.." I said the last sentence barely audible, but seems like Tae heard me because he chuckled lightly.

"No Soo. When we moved there, I didn't really liked being there, I was so lost there, it was so empty....the feeling of living there was so empty, that place, there I didn't have my mother with me, I was lonely there..... it didn't felt like home. The children there, in my school, weren't as nice as first, they thought me as an outsider, but after sometime when they got to know me, they asked me to be their friend, I was glad that atleast I had some friends. But you were missing, it didn't felt like before." He paused for a moment, and then continued-

"And no, I did not find someone, I tried, but no one compared to you, with you, I just felt different, and with them, it just was not right, no one was you. It was always you, and will always be you."

I felt tears forming in my eyes, gosh, I do not deserve this man. Slowly, one drop left my eye, rolling down my cheeks, as I closed my eyes, letting the pearls of tears fall down, I felt warmth below my eyes as he wiped the salty liquid away from my face, softly, gently, he hugged me, and I hugged him back, rather tightly, feeling scared to let him go, as if the moment I let go of him, he will leave again, and this time forever.

Ring Ring Ring!

The sound tingled in my ears, pulling me out of the trail of my thoughts, letting go of Taehyung, I reached for the pocket of my jeans to check if it is my phone that's ringing, but turns out it's Tae's. He took out his phone from his hoodie, and answered it with a bright smile on his face, I wonder who is the caller.

"Hellooo Dad!"

Oh it's his father, that explains his cheerful self right now, ever since his mother died, his father was his strength, he really loved his father, his father meant everything to him.

"Aish Dad, why do you worry so much? Yeah I am still at the garden- Ah yes Yeontan is with me too, he has found a new friend on the first day- yeah- ooohhhh Dad speaking of finding someone, I want you to talk to someone, and I am sure you'll be more than happy once you talk to her- here-"

He handed me the phone, I looked at him confused, and he just mouthed ' Go ahead, talk to him' and gestured towards his phone in my hand. I smiled and bought the phone to my right ear, and finally spoke-

"Hello Uncle"

'Hello..?' He answered back, confusion clearly visible in his voice.

" I guess you did not recognise me huh? OKay, let me give you a hint, I'm the girl you used to call 'Doongdoongie'. Rang any bell?"

"Aahh don't tell me- aawwhh my little Sooyoungie, it's you, I can't believe- it's been so long since I heard from you, and oh my god your voice has became more mature and so sweet!" I giggled as I heard him say those words, he is so sweet.

«Taehyung POV»

I was just watching Sooyoung talk to dad, and the way she is all giggling and smiling while talking to him, let me know that dad's really enjoying talking to her. I remember how back then he used to say to me that she is a really good girl, that she was the right one for me and all, and I would be so embarassed hearing those words coming from his mouth but now, over the years I have realised that really, she is the one for me and she will always be the one.

"Really? You're here too?- ohh okay-oh so you will leave the day after tomorrow? Ah I see, okay then Tae and I will come to you to help unpacking his stuff- yeah I know how lazy he is, he just left you alone there to unpack, yeah yeah we are coming"

Oh crap- I totally forgot we have unpacking to do, that's why I think he called.

"Okay we are heading towards your building then, bye see you later!" She hung up the phone, glared at me in fake anger as she spoke-

"Hey you! Why are you smiling like a fool huh? Uncle is alone at YOUR house unpacking YOUR stuff, and here you were sitting in the garden not caring much huh, you should not have come here but you should have helped your father unpacking first!" I chuckled as she smacked my shoulder.

" Yah! Are you a fool or what? Why are you laughung?"

"Okay okay, Mam I am really sorry for leaving my father, but do you think we would have even met if I would have stayed there rather than coming here huh?" I questioned her as she spoke back- " Yeah you have got a point there but...but still...ughh fine, but now let's just go to help your father, shall we?"


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